What are you listening to

Sorry jalfrezi…

“Oh, you’ve been in the house too long” she said
And I naturally fled

Take me out tonight
Because I want to see people and I
Want to see life

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One of my all time favorite Neko Case songs is on that album.

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shameless plug for my band, which I am in fact currently listening to.

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Speaking of Neko Case…


Seeing The Mountain Goats open for The New Pornographers is still maybe my favorite concert ever, and I stood next to two members of The Kids in the Hall, to make this a very Canadian anecdote.

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The new Jasom Isbell album is out today and is excellent as one might expect. For people unfamiliar with his work I recommend giving it a listen.

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Goddamn, Elliott Smith such a legend. Taken before his time.

When you’re all up in the club and you decide to break out the guitar and kick out some old-school jams:

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+1 to the new Isbell album. He’ll always have a unique place in my (music) heart. I heard his interview on Marc Maron right before I got sober the first time and it definitely provided me some much needed inspiration. I had never really heard him or DBT before that interview and now I’ve seen him ~ half a dozen times live.

Love this video of Isbell and Amanda Shires covering Zevon on Leterman.

I’ve been to 3 Isbell concerts all in different places. I was visiting family in North Carolina and saw him in a small outdoor venue in Greensboro. Then I saw him in Massey Hall in Toronto - an elite venue I highly recommend. Last time was the Beacon Theater in NYC.

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I got really lucky the first time I saw him. He was supposed to play an outdoor amphitheater with Willie Nelson (I think?) and the show was canceled day of. So he ended up playing a tiny venue in OKC. Was a couple hundred people max. Have also seen him at Cain’s Ballroom in Tulsa and the Criterion in OKC a couple times.

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