What are you listening to

That I’m up right now should tell you all you need to know.

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Heard it on the radio and got hooked on this song a week ago.

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I was looking forward to seeing Roger Waters again later this summer :confused:

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Taylor Swift’s new single is fire, y’all. Reactionary bros gonna stroke out over this:

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I wasn’t posting conjecture:

lol goat

bday boy in the video

that opening riff might be Goat, too, from among all 80s hair, which is really an achievement

Was shocked that bday boy has a three-decade acting career and looks exactly the same. Riff and solo are so good. Took my dumb ass a few minutes to figure out it’s in drop D.

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Years back, I saw some documentary on Ratt. iirc, they had some producer recommend employing some hired-gun to do the solo os loool. Like dude, DeMartini is a total stud.

I love the uncommon emphasis Warren places in that riff, the upstrokes. He moves that way, and the riff moves that way.

I remember reading an article years back, wherein Vernon Reid shares that he would deliberately physically move in a manner sorta counter to and unorthodox to a rhythm, so that his note placement was altered. Absolute fucking Goat.

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Enjoy your nightmares.

That producer’s name? Albert Einstein.

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That’s a solid microtonal / sitar sound for a 12-tone Western instrument. Not sure I’ve heard anyone do it that good before.

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Their YouTube comments are pretty entertaining if you haven’t scrolled away from the wiggly base player yet…

Still digging this track: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wg-HZd4Lb2Q

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Man I don’t like country as a genre but game respect game and Joe Diffie could lay some tracks down. I think I know at least the hooks to most of his hits and I don’t even listen to this shit. That’s called great songwriting, something Beyonce and Drake wouldn’t know anything about.

Here’s to hoping that they did, in fact, prop him up beside the jukebox.

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Sucks that Steve Winwood is known for shit music like “Higher Love” and “Valerie”.

He was way better when he was part of Blind Faith and Traffic.

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