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I used MS Copilot to help:

Please help me make the following passage more understandable to someone with a background in psychology:

[copy of my post]

Sent by Copilot:

Sure, let’s break it down in a way that might be more relatable for someone with a background in psychology:

RPM (Revolutions Per Minute) is a measure of how many times an object spins around in one minute. Think of it as how fast a record is spinning on a turntable. For example, a 45 RPM record spins about one and a third times for every single spin of a 33 RPM record.

Now, let’s talk about the speed of the stylus (needle) as it moves through the groove of the record. This speed is connected to how fast the record is spinning (angular speed). If we use some simple math:

  • v = linear speed (how fast the stylus moves along the groove)
  • w = angular speed (how fast the record spins)
  • r = distance from the center of the record to where the stylus is

The relationship between these is: v = r * w. Here, w (angular speed) stays the same, but v (linear speed) changes depending on r (distance from the center).

To make the linear speed v of the stylus the same on both a 33 RPM and a 45 RPM record, the stylus needs to be positioned about a third further out from the center on the 33 RPM record compared to the 45 RPM record.

Damn, the AI version really is better.

first album

getting ready for a billy joel concert next weekend, been brushing up on him. guy’s catalog runs DEEP. i’d have a hard time picking a 20-song set, definitely would need to leave things off that i’d want to hear live.

went to see some (acclaimed) cover guy that did him a long time ago, always said i’d love to see billy joel. definitely pumped.

feel like lately i’ve been going to see live shows that 20-year old me would have pointed and laughed at :joy:

good music is good music. journey/def leppard a couple weeks ago, billy joel/rod stewart next week, the hamilton musical in 2 weeks.

anyway yeah, billy joel is a writer’s writer. downeaster alexa is sort of a deep cut, but it’s always hit me. first time i heard it i was high/drunk in my mid/late 20’s laying in the back seat of a convertible at midnight driving back to the hotel along the ocean… i’ve listened to it 100’s of times since then, but i can always go back to that feeling of being young and happy and the smell of the ocean…

music :heart:


Love Downeaster Alexa and love billy, I would be excited

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No sooner had Linkin Park announced Dead Sara singer Emily Armstrong as the reformed band’s new vocalist than a torrent of criticism emerged over her previous ties to the Church of Scientology and her past support of convicted rapist and actor Danny Masterson. Late Friday, she responded:

“Hi, I’m Emily,” she wrote in an Instagram story post. “I’m new to so many of you, and I wanted to clear the air about something that happened a while back."


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