What are you listening to

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This dude is 24, what a voice. I’m not a smoking advocate but if the lung darts cause that keep at it.


Singer looks like an old booty call.

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how dare you

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song is :thinking: solo is :metal:

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Labor day has come and gone


One of my favorite angry/yelling songs. I think it might have been characterized as pro-suicide, I don’t see it like that. I’ve been devastated (assuming many other here too) by people killing themselves, don’t take it lightly. Seems like more of an angry “fuck you” to the world you need to yell once in a while. Watch out for 3 min in or so if you’re prone to epilepsy.

EDIT: Background is it’s supposedly about Bud Dwyer killing himself on live TV

Damn I love good horns, thank you for this. I haven’t heard that song in like ten years. I put this one on sometimes to wake up:

Stevie Wonder’s horns were tighter than [insert reference]

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Damn, I’d never heard this story. I can’t believe so many TV stations rebroadcast the footage.

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It’s not pro-suicide in the least. It’s story telling.

Probably the last of the few bands on MTV that I thought was really fucking good when they still were a music channel.

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Not looking it up, but if this is what I’m thinking of, when I was a junior in college I worked at basically the place that handled all of the media related stuff at the school. One of the Aesthetics and Media Criticism teachers had the unedited version of this footage and gave students the opportunity to watch it after class.

When this happened, every news station’s re-broadcast cut before he shot himself. But not this footage apparently. All day long was filled with students streaming in to see the unedited footage that was given to us to show them. The reaction was the same by almost everyone except a few people, ‘why did I watch that?’, ‘so much blood’, etc…

I don’t know why people have some desire to see people kill themselves in horrific ways, but it happened and it was disturbing how people were treating wanting to see that. Apparently in the professor’s class, she paused it before he shot himself. I think the class was about what should be the line of what should be shown on TV. I think the incident happened in 1989, but the class was in 1992. Can’t remember for sure (if it’s even the same one).

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  1. And It’s morbid curiosity usually. I saw the infamous footage of the Vietnamese general shooting his captive in the head in front of a camera not caring about judgment and many other deaths. Most of the time it’s not really intentional, but you just don’t avert your eyes in time even when it becomes apparent what’s coming.

I had to see the Vietnam one you’re talking about in a class in college and can still see it vividly. I wish I’d never had to see it, and when I see certain types of fountains/water fountains it evokes that memory. I take very cautious measures to avoid seeing that kind of stuff, so I just don’t understand why some people would seek it out.

One of my friends saw Faces of Death. He said it didn’t look real. He eventually became a fireman, so it was obvious that he was wired to be desensitized. He once told me about an accident that he was at where a motorcyclist face planted into a fire hydrant. He said again, it didn’t look real. I’m for sure not wired that way.

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I normally shit on most rap from this era because most if it legitimately does suck but this is a solid song.