What are you listening to

I play this all the time when working when I’m getting annoyed.


We’re so in love

I just listened to GY!BE live for the first time.

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First time I saw Silver Mt Zion I had one of the few migraines I’ve had as an adult.

0/10 experience

Seen GYBE twice I think, good times.

Got earplugs and Heineken 0.0 from the bar. Nice experience.

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This forum turned me on to Orville Peck, and last night I got to see him in concert. Great show, bunch of surprise guests came out to play with him on stage, and tons of amazingly dressed gay cowboys in the audience.


So just discovered Royal Blood. Just a duo. The current lineup consists of Mike Kerr (vocals, bass) and Ben Thatcher (drums). No guitar just a bassist, and dude kills it.

Music video of theirs I found first, A+ music video

Second music video of theirs I found, A++ music video

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These guys are great live. Fun band. Great energy.

There was a recent drummer doc on Netflix and the drummer features a lot. Seemed like a cool guy

Today is the day and I am abolutely sharing this again:

Whiskey & Bad Decisions
Whiskey & Bad Decisions by TRASH ROOM - Bandcamp