What are you actually doing to make a difference?

“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.” - Theodore Roosevelt

Good luck if you decide to run. What has the experience been like being on the council? If you are at liberty to discuss at all.

Did you know there was a guillotine thread here?

Well I will try to answer that without making it even easier to doxx me than it probably already is.

I live in a small city and have been on the council for three years now, but I have almost always been active in politics/ my party since I was old enough to vote.

Being on the city council is all the good things and the bad things that you would expect. Sometimes it feels great to change things even if they are really small, like introducing a municipal programme to support the primary schools in making sure that all the kids are able to swim when they leave their primary schools.

Lately I am often frustrated by conflicts on social media where people criticize things without knowing about the issue at all and then using their misinformation to paint the city council as stupid, when exactly the points we are criticized for have been taken into consideration or even taken care of (like parking space for a new medical centre).

My city is small enough that being on the city council is volunteer work and we only get a modest amount of money (depending how often we meet a month I average a little over 100 Euros, but it takes me around 5 hours per week on average I would say).

I enjoy doing it mostly because I like analyzing and strategizing. So basically what a lot of people on this board do, but when people say “Democrats should do this” or “X is going to do Y” and someone challenges them to bet on the prediction, I am basically on the side of having to make those bets for real. So in that regard it feels a little like playing poker: making informed decisions based on incomlete information. I lked that in poker and I like that about being active in politics. Maybe that is why I think about running for office. Also people keep telling me I should.

Don’t worry, I am a eurosocialist. We know how those work ;)


Perhaps you could propose setting aside one small City block for Unstuck expats who will become your city’s Unsullied in gratitude :slight_smile:

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The Vietnamese population has been here since the 70s. I’m teaching the second generation. They were born or at least raised in the CR from a young age. Some have barely gone to Vietnam at all.

There is still racism from the right against Vietnamese people and Asians in general. A great way to get a feel for it is flat hunting. That’s where casual racism shines. Heard far more racism towards Muslims, Roma, and Africans than Vietnamese. I think this is because people here often view Vietnamese people as “the good immigrants” so to speak. They aren’t the biggest target but are still one from time to time.

Remove the penis hacking part and Im in

The Root and Stem Provision

I’m donating to Bernie monthly and probably will donate to other senate candidates and such in 2020.
I’ve been to a few protests this year which is the first time I’ve ever done anything like that.
I sent probably 5K texts before the midterms and will probably do more leading up to 2020 election.
I’m hammering my 3 closest friends about it and I think have successfully turned one from slight GOP/apathetic into confirmed democrat. Although some things in his life made it much easier for that to happen.
Also starting to post/share stuff on facebook even though facebook sucks. It can’t hurt i think. I already retweet a bunch of stuff on twitter but thats full of lefties anyways.

Also I randomly picked up a copy for cheap of the run for something book. I was aware of the organization but the book is pretty good, giving a good rundown of everything you would want to know to get started running for office. The author is very progressive is well and comes across just like people on this forum do. It definitely has made me thing about running for office in the future or at least getting involved in someone’s campaign locally.


She’s at $500k now. That’s a lot of nudes.


Finally, a charitable foundation model with promise


I’m free Saturday so if any of you have bill ideas for a California state assemblyman I’ll go eat pancakes and bother staff.

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Made my first ever political contribution today… % of last month’s poker winnings to Bernie. I’ve never been one to share making donations but this post convinced me to do so on Instagram and to friends in conversation. Let’s keep building steam!


I’ve been reserving a % of my poker winnings for Bernie for four months consecutive now, so I’ve given nothing so far…


caucus to choose delegates is on April 19th


My favorite part is when you’re sifting through the goodies and describing everything

Like my favourite part of your sending nudes were the nudes!

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I don’t know what this means. I apologise for asking you to explain what I assume is a joke…