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I wonder how many of those dipshits are still buying Hunts ketchup to spite John Kerry.


The proposed regulation would be in the Title IX regulations at section 106.41(b)(2):

If a recipient adopts or applies sex-related criteria that would limit or deny a student’s eligibility to participate on a male or female team consistent with their gender identity, such criteria must, for each sport, level of competition, and grade or education level: (i) be substantially related to the achievement of an important educational objective, and (ii) minimize harms to students whose opportunity to participate on a male or female team consistent with their gender identity would be limited or denied.


That’s called a “Democratic compromise”. Give them everything and get nothing in return.

Should be their motto.


Here’s the next talking point.


Thought this was an interesting read, talking about how all the evidence is that transphobic rhetoric is a giant political loser for the GOP.

Idk if you can read the whole thing without subscribing. I subscribed because he was on Chapo and I thought he was funny and smart. I’d recommend tossing him 5 bucks. Also recommend the two-part Stacey Abrams takedown.

I am so confused by her.

I guess her logic is, “Fuck trans people now that I’ve got mine”?

I mean, shes a republican, right?

I guess. I don’t follow the Kardashians show

Same reason every blue collar and middle class trumpkin loves a party whose sole reason d’ĂȘtre is to fuck them economically.

It’s a deeply rooted brain worm where they have been trained to not care at all about their self interest. They only care about fucking libs.

They’re desperate to not talk about abortion and landed on another political loser.

Cliffs from a Florida GOP rep: Transgender people are mutants from another world; they are imps and demons who have no place in this one. You can try to fight him on this, but he will win.


This guy: transgender people are like aliens from another planet, who I would also want to angrily persecute.

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What’s sad is, if you watch the video, it’s clearly just dehumanizing people so he doesn’t have to grapple with what they say. I can’t imagine saying, hey actual human being that’s going to be standing in front of me, actually you’re not a human being, you’re some mythical figmental thing so I’m going to ignore everything you say. It’s such a cop out. Like you can listen to someone and disagree with them or whatever without having to resort to discarding them as a person.

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You’re right. What terrifies me is the idea he thinks of himself as a good man acting in good faith.

The guy speaks of God and righteousness yet his perception strikes me as remarkably unchristian.
Even if we talked to him on his own terms you’d think his view would remain charitable enough to see trans people as misguided souls to be saved rather than manifestations of evil to be destroyed. Yet this guy’s casting it as some sort of holy war.

It’s a follow up from Carlson’s little enemies of Christianity monologue. Lots of people are going to get hurt.


A Texas Republican who has led the charge to ban all-ages drag shows because of his deep concern over “the sexualization of our children” is facing allegations of inviting an intern to his home late on a weekend night and serving her alcohol even though she isn’t old enough to legally drink.

Look what the drag shows made him do!


I always suspect that the people who speak out against grooming the most are the ones most likely to be found doing it