We got him

Definitely not a typo

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~0% chance thatā€™s a typo.

That is an A+ phrase.

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It feels like trumplandia is an island with quickly eroding shores. It isnā€™t getting any easier to be a Trump supporter. 2023 shaping up to be pretty rough.


Wow I completely forgot this one is coming right up

The civil case brought by writer E. Jean CarĀ­roll claiming that Trump raped and subĀ­seĀ­quentĀ­ly deĀ­famed her is scheduled for a jury triĀ­al on April 25. UnĀ­like the inĀ­dictĀ­ment that could take a long time to reach a jury, this triĀ­al could reĀ­sult in a blockĀ­buster jury verĀ­dict as earĀ­ly as May findĀ­ing that Trump is guilty of rape.

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I hate to be that guy, but I donā€™t think a civil trial verdict = guilty of rape.

Yeah that is an opinion article in the NY Daily News

I mean, itā€™s not a distinction one wants to have to explain. If a company is found guilty of fraud in a civil case repeating ā€œbut not criminal fraudā€ is not a great look.

The judge in the Carroll case has ruled the accuser can have two other woman who allege Trump raped them testify as evidence of a pattern or practice of rape. The Access Hollywood tape is also being allowed as evidence. As a lawyer my reaction is, ā€œholy shit that sounds like a tough situation.ā€



Blurry Kari Lake is a nice touchā€¦


Well youā€™re the lawbro, so you can tell me, but a company doesnā€™t really get found ā€œguilty of fraudā€ in a civil case, right? So itā€™s itā€™s more a liable for fraud than a guilty of fraud situation. At least I think so.

I agree that itā€™s a bad look. No argument there. Iā€™m just engaging in my standard nittery.


Iā€™m not guilty of rape, I was just found liable for rape!


It would be liable for fraud and the standard is lower (preponderance of the evidence vs beyond a reasonable doubt), but itā€™s still bad. In this case, itā€™s actually about defamation because he called her a liar for saying he raped her, so ā€œrapeā€ is only in issue with regard to the statement. Sure, itā€™s worse if he on criminal trial for rape, but it makes it into an early paragraph of his obituary either way.

Remind me did he have to submit a DNA sample? I thought that was being litigated here.

A civil rape trial isnā€™t going to slow down Trump or bother the Trumpistas in the slightest.

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Exactly. A huge swath of his base donā€™t really believe rape accusations ever.

If they care about it at all it will be about the winning and losing. They delight in Trump getting away with stiff and seeing the normies get frustrated that we canā€™t punish him. Its a vicarious bullying experience for them.

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Neither would a criminal rape trial. Or video proof of Trump raping people.


I donā€™t think itā€™s too much of a SSC thing to talk about the possibility of this being the death of a thousand cuts for him though. Like sure the vast majority of the MAGA crowd isnā€™t fazed by any of this, but if each new court case or scandal makes another .1% of his base start feeling disgusted and decide to stay home on election day (no chance any of them are switching their vote IMO) that could be more than enough to flip a couple of states with razor-thin margins and sink him in 2024 if itā€™s close.

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Except we have his actual presidency to show that this isnā€™t happening. He is gaining in the polls right now.

The problem with this hypothesis is it forgets their entire worldview assumes the system will falsely come for trump. These court cases donā€™t hurt him they simply confirm their existing worldview.

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They believe the accusations, they just donā€™t care.

This assumes the rest of their base was already maxed out on their likelihood of voting before the indictment

They were not. Much more than 0.1% were tired of playing with the old toy, and may well have missed election day. Now theyā€™d leave their dying kid to go vote

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