We got him

I got this far before I had to lol:

His next court appearance is in December, though he is expected to make a statement tonight about the unprecedented case, which he insists is politically motivated and has no legs.

I seriously had a “wait wtf month is it right now?!?” moment.





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I am glad that at least some legal entity is taking action against Trump. I guess.

But we are forced to settle for this relatively penny-ante stuff, compared to the wide range of other crimes he’s committed, because nobody with any real power had the will or the desire to fight the big fight. And yeah we probably would’ve lost that too, but ah well nevertheless.

concerned that the criminal element of this is why the payoff was made. DA says it was to help the campaign for president. trump says it was to protect melania’s feelings (but also that there was no affair ??). i think at that point his cultivated and self-promoted brand was disparaging immigrants, muslims, all women, veterans, like his brand was anti- typical politician in the most extreme way anyone’s ever done it. banging a porn star on the side reasonably enhances the image he was already promoting. so the only reason to suppress a cool story like this WOULD be for non-campaign reasons. find a guy that worked on the campaign, put him on the stand, some coffee boy, tell him to say all the campaign guys woulda loved to release that story. that it would have helped him with independent voters and single dads.

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I’d like to have until the end of the week, but if you need to know right now then I’m gonna say Ruben Gallego who will be Sinema’s primary opponent and will need help in the general. But I’m pretty sure there’s a closer and more important race somewhere

Apologies for not having researched this sooner. I’m open to taking forum suggestions. Surely there are very knowledgeable people here who know where money is best spent. In fact, I’d like to start a thread just on donation strategies because they are so important


It’s $100 it doesn’t matter.


The indictment seems pretty tenuous to me. On the one hand that’s kind of week sauce. On the other hand it’s funny that this is finally the thing he’s charged with after doing many more serious things out in the open (and funny watching all of his sycophants get mad about it).

translation: all politicians should be above the law. im afraid i might be next



Looks like an orange Grinch.


Who cares what politicians have to say about holding other politicians accountable? How can they even credibly claim an opinion?

Seriously? You don’t think thought should be put into political donations? I’m pretty sure $100 is quite large compared to the average donation amount

Just ping me when you’re sure but yeah its $100. If you need it I’ll send it to you personally.

My suggestion as a disinterested observer is that grue should just send the $100 to you, and then you can donate or not, as you wish. It shouldn’t be on grue to have to tackle additional steps to pay off his obligation to this bet.

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Sorry for the hassle and delay. Here ya go…

Appreciate it! Rest assured I will do the same for your cause should there be no federal indictment by our designated time frame

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You care, at least enough to ask. I care a little. Reporters care. People who pay attention to the news care. Prosecutors care. Judges care. Jurors care. Voters care. That’s not nothing, even if it doesn’t change the ultimate fate of the universe.

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The legal theory behind the arrest is pretty weak

He’s talking rn