We Are The Music Makers (Musician's Thread)

Ah ok, I agree, and just to be clear I wasn’t making an argument about anything being ‘good/bad’ or ‘correct/incorrect’ rather just trying to give people a window into something they might enjoy. Because it is counterintuitive to think that’s an aspect of music making that would or could be enjoyable. It applied to you in your specific situation of not having your instruments or gear at that time; not sure if circumstances changed since.

(To be more clear I was making an argument when I joked about being a guide to the promised land of The One True Creative Process but that’s why it was a joke, lol)

Also, mentioned Eno but I neglected to mention this great example: he actually composed the Windows startup theme sound.

The idea came up at the time when I was completely bereft of ideas. I’d been working on my own music for a while and was quite lost, actually. And I really appreciated someone coming along and saying, “Here’s a specific problem – solve it.”

The thing from the agency said, “We want a piece of music that is inspiring, universal, blah-blah, da-da-da, optimistic, futuristic, sentimental, emotional,” this whole list of adjectives, and then at the bottom it said “and it must be ​3 1⁄4 seconds long.”[† 1]

I thought this was so funny and an amazing thought to actually try to make a little piece of music. It’s like making a tiny little jewel.

In fact, I made eighty-four pieces. I got completely into this world of tiny, tiny little pieces of music. I was so sensitive to microseconds at the end of this that it really broke a logjam in my own work. Then when I’d finished that and I went back to working with pieces that were like three minutes long, it seemed like oceans of time.[60

Well this is why people collaborate, combining different skillsets and passions. Because I actually look at things the opposite, telling myself, "You dont need to play that guitar longer than 20 seconds, that’s more than enough audio to manipulate, c’mon man with all that malarkey " And its why although I joke and talk a lot of shit on here I was serious about an Unstuck music project. We seem to have all the pieces.

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Yeah I finally bought a 61-key hardware synth. Most of my other gear is cased up or in storage. I have one of the AKAI controllers that’s popular but it’s so cheap feeling and uninspiring that I never used it. So now I have an instrument that plays and feels great, serves as a master controller, and has a deep and unique synthesis engine to boot. Once I come up with a new interface I’ll start posting some crazy sounds.


Is this where we put random music shit now or should it be in the LC thread?

Holy shit these guys are great. Or I’m really drunk. Or both…

Put your music here!

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Did you ever get setup with an interface? I’m doing this for the first time where I run straight in and emulate every part of the signal chain. Will post some clips when I figure out how to patch all of this Linux audio together for recording. I haven’t ripped in a few months so my fingers are killing me today. Probably gonna take a week to get the calluses back.

One of those super inexpensive white and grey ones? Yeah, I think you’re legally required to own one if you use a DAW and not even if you’re just doing serious projects. Like, you just mess around and have fun and after a few months you get an FBI/DOJ popup.

No pressure but I will start banging a gong outside your house if you start slacking.

i figured this would be a weekend fun thread because I’m still pretending time has any meaning. And fun for that matter.


Maybe that will drown out this annoying dog that won’t shut up.

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Well so far every attempt to route this audio into something that can record has failed. Had to update the Linux kernel for this hardware and now none of the software wants to play nice.

I put these on mine a couple months ago and I dig 'em. You just gotta keep a really light touch fretting chords.

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I’m [embarrassed to say how many hours I’ve spent] investigating this Linux audio routing rat’s nest and not entirely sure I’m any closer to a solution. If you try to do pro audio on Linux, for the love of god install one of the audio/video/studio distributions.


Obviously time well spent is subjective but… Yeah.

For that clip I just posted, I have a project file of a template I made for that exact thing, when I made a tutorial about band-splitting vocals when applying heavy effects processing… And I still just now fooled around for like hours.

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I will hang a mini-gong around his neck.

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A while back I had thrown this in the “What are you listening to” thread, but since there’s a dedicated “music makers” thread now, I might as well indulge the thread and self promote. This is my band.


Dude that’s pretty rockin’. I listened to White Black Red.

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Thanks. I don’t like the recording of the other song and I wish we had never put it up.