War crimes in Ukraine: Just asking questions about both sides

It’s much shorter.

Quite honestly, I did it because I can’t be fucked to learn how to spell his name.

Feels like a new low for Keed here, but I’m honestly not sure.


Saying one true thing doesn’t make all his other idiocy go away.

Do you think that we have to know, precisely, the whos whats whens and whys of each individual war crime to blame them on the Russian army? Because if no, then raising uncertainty about them serves only, ONLY, to deflect blame from the Russian army. Of course we don’t know which soldiers at which times executed which civilians under what orders yet, but it’s pretty fucking obvious that the Russian army did it! To cast any doubt there is to serve Putin’s ends. Now, Mearsh might just be an idiot who will completely lose sight of reality so as to keep serving his need to blame the West, or maybe he is on the Russian payroll, but either way, he’s worse than useless and should not be cited except for mockery

  1. Literally zero evidence anything like this scenario has ever happened. It’s a willful misunderstanding to imagine that when people talk about civilians being targeted it’s this random hypothetical rather than the very well documented and obviously criminal executions.
  2. This is probably a war crime anyways. The fact that the combatants in the example are militia rather than regular army is not even relevant. The combatants are legitimate targets, the civilians aren’t, and indiscriminate bombing/shelling without any attempt to avoid collateral damage is criminal.

Right, having not ever watched him or read anything he’s said, it’s very clear to you what his overall point is.

I can read his words on paper. I don’t need to hear the soothing tones of his voice to understand what he’s saying.




These women and girls could have been armed civilians. It’s so hard to know what’s actually going on.

Did you know women also fight in the Ukrainian military? Let’s just nod along knowingly to that, but not explicitly connect the dots of what we’re implying by bringing it up in this context.

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Just in case you missed this on the first go-round, @anon10396289.

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It’s a new high, peak Keeed!

I do it for the lurkers.


If only we had another word for intentionally contrarian posters!

In other news, Donald Trump told many mistruths.

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Generally it’s not fun to see war crimes happening in real-time get well actually’d by someone just for giggles.


Of course I’m not doing this and you’re just making this up whole cloth.

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Tbh, I was kinda hoping you were, because the alternative seems a whole lot worse.

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What’s the alternative?

That you are literally both-sidesing marauding, rape, and summary execution of civillians.

If I were you, I’d say “sorry man, picked a bad thread to troll” and move on for a bit. Trolly gave you a pretty easy out.

Oh I’m not doing that either.

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