Walrus - Quarantine Edition

I listened to some of these tracks a dozen or so times splitting hairs on my final two for each category. Probably not a good spend of time but WAAQ. I picked up some small detail weirdness on a couple of tracks that I can’t unhear now.


9 in

I’ve sent…

ok that’s 10. is that everyone?

I think I ended up with 12 entries including swanky

I’m still working, sorry.

Dang Casette, are you going for an HOF worthy performance?

Deadline is Sunday, right? I’ll try to get it in tonight if everyone’s waiting on me.

Get the first two in by Sunday cassette, then Friday for the rest…I’m jonesing hard here for a reveal, but no pressure ldo


Sorry, didn’t realize everyone was getting theirs in so early.

Working, parenting, having a stomach ache… you know, the usual pandemic things. Really looking forward to this distraction.

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My first time looking at Billboard charts. As far as I can tell there’s no such thing as an alternative chart? I guess I’ll try “rock.” Or maybe “hip hop/r+b”, whatever that is.

he’s a busy bee in quarantea

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Billboard wants me to pay $11 a month to read their charts? lol
I can’t find a list anywhere for free. Holy shit am i old.

Submitted. jiggy will have his revenge :)

@Rivaldo can you mail me some of that high grade grass you’ve been smoking? LC threads aren’t as much fun anymore.

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I need to re-cop, bro. I would get it from my previous boss, but I got a different job, and he got upset with me. Plus, I’m social distancing from pretty much everyone. It’s a low priority for me now. I’m trying to increase lung capacity, about to get on my treadmill to some Sergey Goatovin

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I hear you. This pandemic shit is even ruining marijuana. I guess I’ll do yoga and watch some youtube about houseplants instead.


yogi :heart:

Fully subscribed? That’s fine, I’ll just drop the winning Category 1 entry in the reveal thread.