Walrus Grab Bag 3 Sign Up—GOAT Music Thing Returns

In a grab bag, you submit for all other categories and have to host one of your own. It`s much less daunting than running a whole Walrus, but make sure if you enter that you can do a write up for your category within a couple weeks.


Ok, fortune favors the bold, I’m in


Since my vulgar streak runs long, let’s go with “Song with the best uses of the word fuck.”


Btw, I just learned this this week, but did you know the guy who did this

Is also the same guy who did this


Blew my fucking mind

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I think I have my category: A song about a historical event (interpret that was narrowly or widely as you like, but the event should be something that at least returns a few google results). Some of the obvious choices will be punished severely.


Welcome 3 new contestants, and our first 2 categories. Both look like fine efforts to me.

I would say (@smrk4 & @CanadaMatt3004 ) that it’s worth following the template in the second post of the thread (repeated below). It asks you to say a little about musical taste and judging attitude which I think is well worth doing, if only to avoid getting sent 14 songs that you will actively hate listening to.

You can see the examples from the last Grab bag in this post:

Category host name: I would put seities here. Because my name is seities.
Category: Words to explain your category
Musical tastes: Optional, but I like to give a very general idea of stuff I like or don’t like.
Any other judging notes: For example, some hosts penalize for overly familiar songs, some don’t. Let us know if you have preferences.


Category host name: Pauwl
Category: Old Music (to be kind to millennials, I’ll set it to older than 1990).
Musical tastes: I don’t like 80’s hair metal or hard rock. I like new wave, no wave, dark wave, proto-punk and other weird 70’s/80’s music. Older than that is wide open genre wise. Psychedelic, folk, soul, country blues, ragtime, gospel. Even old school country.
Any other judging notes: Overly familiar songs will be downgraded in ranking. Don’t enter hits by Zeppelin or classic rock standards.


Category host name: meb
Category: A song performed by someone who is more famous for something other than their music
Musical tastes: Likes: BANGERS, Pop Music, Indie Rock, Folk Rock, EDM
Dislikes: Country music, Radiohead, Songs with no lyrics
Any other judging notes: Must be an original song to that performer (no covers), anything from a musical live, animated, or filmed is ineligible, and if I have to put in deep research to figure out why the performer is famous your entry will be downgraded.

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Looks good. I feel like I’d maybe suggest dropping the word ‘more’. Just so there’s no need to care about close judgement calls and the category then obviously includes people who are also famous for their music (and thus presumably good at it), but possibly that’s not in the spirit of what you mean?

Penalising tenuous claims to non-musical fame seems fine.

I think I’m good giving the benefit of the doubt on this sort of thing, but the general spirit of the category is you shouldn’t think of the person as a music artist first.

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Category host name: NotBruceZ
Category: A cover of a song originally by the Beatles or originally by one of their members solo or a cover by the Beatles or one of their members solo of a song not originally by the Beatles
Musical tastes: Very eclectic. See the Unstuck playlist thread. The major sub-genres I am least likely to listen to are probably metal and hardcore/gangster rap.
Any other judging notes: LOL if you pick a cover of a song that the Beatles recorded but was not originally by them

I’m definitely sure that this is not too narrow of a category as I have a few albums in my collection (both single artist and compilations) that are purely covers of Beatles songs and it wouldn’t be hard to generate a list of 100s of candidates. If you look at the lists of most-covered songs, they are dominated by the Beatles.

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Beatles covers does seem like a broad church.

Sign up supposedly only open for another few hours, though we can discuss deadlines if people have issues with them.

Category host name: smrk4

Category: A song about a historical event. Allowing a fair bit of latitude about what counts as a historical event i.e. it doesn’t have to be like a jazz flute sonata about the Treaty of Westphalia. Please identify the historical event in your submission; if you have a history take to go with it that’s encouraged but not at all required.

Musical tastes: I like metal (but not the screamy stuff), most rock, some blues, some pop. Also into a lot of new-age electronic stuff, but not dance music per se. Neutral on punk and hip hop. Country is generally a no go, although with this category I can’t rule it out. I don’t like huddle around the campfire folky stuff, sorry.

Any other judging notes: I will try to be open to submissions I don’t necessarily love but that have musical merit (as I understand it). Won’t be too harsh on popular songs if the historical connection is good, but stay away from lol obvious choices as I already have a few songs in mind that are going to be instant nodiums.

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Very cruel to pair this category with a dislike of folk!


Thanks @Pauwl for reminding me about this. I’m in a fairly shitty mood which i’m not sure is constructive for a grab bag. Otoh you gotta respect the title.

If there’s still room i’ll join. Not putting any effort into nbz category i can tell you that much


Category host name: seities
Category: To fit the current moment, give me a song that in some way references, or evokes feelings of “change”. The song itself can change, the lyrics can discuss change, the artist or song can have the word change in the title, etc. If you are still stuck after that go for anything that references seasons.
Musical tastes: I think I am leaning a bit more towards Rock/Pop/Rap/Metal at this moment in time, but I do have a pretty eclectic playlist in general. I’d avoid anything slow or soft.
Any other judging notes: If it’s overly familiar, there will be a penalty. Don’t submit Tupac - Changes or John Mayer - Waiting on the world to change. Try and keep it under 8 minutes.


Isn’t cruelty the point?


category a song with some cool bass guitar

nice and simple.


I’m kicking a few categories around in my head.

@ me if I haven’t selected something by this time tomorrow.

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Categories so far for people nerding out with picks already. Like me.

Category host name: Pauwl
Category: Old Music (to be kind to millennials, I’ll set it to older than 1990).
Musical tastes: I don’t like 80’s hair metal or hard rock. I like new wave, no wave, dark wave, proto-punk and other weird 70’s/80’s music. Older than that is wide open genre wise. Psychedelic, folk, soul, country blues, ragtime, gospel. Even old school country.
Any other judging notes: Overly familiar songs will be downgraded in ranking. Don’t enter hits by Zeppelin or classic rock standards.

Category host name: meb
Category: A song performed by someone who is more famous for something other than their music
Musical tastes: Likes: BANGERS, Pop Music, Indie Rock, Folk Rock, EDM
Dislikes: Country music, Radiohead, Songs with no lyrics
Any other judging notes: Must be an original song to that performer (no covers), anything from a musical live, animated, or filmed is ineligible, and if I have to put in deep research to figure out why the performer is famous your entry will be downgraded.

Category host name: NotBruceZ
Category: A cover of a song originally by the Beatles or originally by one of their members solo or a cover by the Beatles or one of their members solo of a song not originally by the Beatles
Musical tastes: Very eclectic. See the Unstuck playlist thread. The major sub-genres I am least likely to listen to are probably metal and hardcore/gangster rap.
Any other judging notes: LOL if you pick a cover of a song that the Beatles recorded but was not originally by them

Category host name: smrk4
Category: A song about a historical event. Allowing a fair bit of latitude about what counts as a historical event i.e. it doesn’t have to be like a jazz flute sonata about the Treaty of Westphalia. Please identify the historical event in your submission; if you have a history take to go with it that’s encouraged but not at all required.
Musical tastes: I like metal (but not the screamy stuff), most rock, some blues, some pop. Also into a lot of new-age electronic stuff, but not dance music per se. Neutral on punk and hip hop. Country is generally a no go, although with this category I can’t rule it out. I don’t like huddle around the campfire folky stuff, sorry.
Any other judging notes : I will try to be open to submissions I don’t necessarily love but that have musical merit (as I understand it). Won’t be too harsh on popular songs if the historical connection is good, but stay away from lol obvious choices as I already have a few songs in mind that are going to be instant nodiums.

Category host name: seities
Category: To fit the current moment, give me a song that in some way references, or evokes feelings of “change”. The song itself can change, the lyrics can discuss change, the artist or song can have the word change in the title, etc. If you are still stuck after that go for anything that references seasons.
Musical tastes: I think I am leaning a bit more towards Rock/Pop/Rap/Metal at this moment in time, but I do have a pretty eclectic playlist in general. I’d avoid anything slow or soft.
Any other judging notes: If it’s overly familiar, there will be a penalty. Don’t submit Tupac - Changes or John Mayer - Waiting on the world to change. Try and keep it under 8 minutes.

Category host name: CanadaMatt3004
Category: Since my vulgar streak runs long, let’s go with “Song with the best uses of the word fuck.”
(Note: Further judging criteria anticipated.)

Category host name: Rivaldo
category a song with some cool bass guitar
nice and simple.
(Note: Further judging criteria anticipated…maybe)