Walrus 12: The Reveal!

Meh Pauwl and pyat have pretty broad, interesting takes on music and both seem to have extensive libraries so they both tend to do well in walruses, although pyat sometimes runs afoul of people who don’t share the same tastes. Probably a Euro thing.

I don’t like this Cat Power song very much, I am disappoint. San Quentin was great though, not sure I’ve ever actually listened to it before.

I like this category. I also considered tracks from Lady Gaga, Chris Stapleton, REO Speedwagon, Springsteen and Motorhead, so pretty much all over the place.

Also, having listened to all other submissions, I can still say mine was the best.

This Springsteen track is worthy, mostly due to the 2-minute Nils Lofgren solo at the end, during which he experiences multiple orgasms.

My brother went to an 80’s concert somewhat ironically in high school, I can remember who the headliner was, maybe Styx or someone similar. Apparently REO Speedwagon was the opener and they completely rocked the house, he said they were by far the best of the 3-4 bands that played.

so you’re saying I should have won? I hear you, i hear you.

The song was written for that show. Not the best Cash song by any means, but the reaction and situation is so unique you gotta love it.

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A few years ago I randomly came across an REO Speedwagon show from a 2010 Minnesota festival called the Moondance Jam.

I was probably in my mid-40s. This concert was inspirational to me. These dudes must have been about 60 at the time (2010), and were still plugging away with such unbridled joy. Maybe getting old won’t be so bad after all?

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No, no. I just get a bit ahead of myself sometimes, have to slow it down for the rest of you.

There’s actually one I saw on there that was just posted a year or two ago that was re-mixed and it sounds way way better than that one, I just listened to it the other night in fact.

Things are gettin’ WEIRD tomorrow morning at 10:30am PST.


This would have been my yolo submission:

In anticipation of tomorrow’s bloodbath, I’d just like to point out there’s a very fine line between weird-good and weird-bad.


And a slightly more reasonable submission might have been this:

Quit trying to figure me out goofy!

I have no confidence in this submission, but then I expect I’m not alone. Exciting!

So much more fun railing than playing.

Good luck players and let’s have some blinding tracks.

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I’m pretty confident with the weird song. I think I took the vocal performance thing too literally and chose a shitty song as a result

T-minus 15 minutes. These tracks moved around the most from first listen to 3rd or 4th listen. That does seem to be the nature of “weird” songs. Sometimes it takes a while to appreciate what’s happening, or, on the other hand, get a little bored with a gimmick.

Alright, folks. Let’s get weird.



Originally I was trying something a little different and using a point system where there was a Weirdness score out of 3 and an Awesomeness score out of 10 but there were too many ties and ranking a song numerically out of 10 points is actually really tough and seemed a but mean so I just went back to normal scoring. The top tracks all have something unusual going on but are also great songs. Weird for the sake of weirdness only goes so far. I was looking for tracks that also have lasting appeal as actual songs.

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In 11th place with 1 point is “Weird Al” Yankovich - Eat It

I chuckled a couple times. This one got me:

Don’t you tell me you’re full
Just eat it, eat it
Get yourself an egg and beat it

Perhaps the submitter could say a bit more about what makes this weird and what makes it awesome. Neither aspect resonate with me. Weird Al seems like a cool guy, and I respect the hell out of him – not many people can make a career out of comedy music – but I wouldn’t choose to put on one of his albums.

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