Walrus 11thish (Pauwl's) - Reveal Thread

Self taught. I have a giant stack of guitar books w CDs. In my last year of Uni, I didn’t have a lot of classes, so I filled my spare time playing guitar. Then after I graduated, I didn’t get a job for a year. It’s easy to put in 8 hours when you’re unemployed. Sometimes a lot more than that. I’ll do it occasionally on the weekends now, but my fingers aren’t as tough as they used to be since I only play casually now.







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Mmm I’m excited but I punted this category in the name of finding a “good fit” rather than something you’ll like and somehow arrived at something that was neither. Will be shocked not to nodium

I am pretty sure I’m going to either nodium or come close in the rest of them. I might finish middle of the pack with this one, but after seeing the songs from last round, I’m not counting on it.

Not a big fan of my submission here either. Curious to see how it turns out

Maybe it will be a 13-person nodium!

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2 - A song that makes you slightly uncomfortable
“Has an element that sort of disturbs you or you find unsettling. Not in a sounds bad way. Could be a lyric or musical change or the general feel of the song. If the unsettling part is not obvious, please add your explanation to help me understand.”

This category was partially inspired by the Kate Bush song/video for Wuthering Heights that was in the Grab Bag Walrus. The opening lines combined with the video are pure psychopathy. I love it.

That isn’t really unsettling but it made me think of the instrumental music that I love that gives me a slightly uneasy feeling. I like alot of music that features dissonance and non-western scales that sounds eerily beautiful. So I thought it would be an interesting category. Instead, I think it was confusing for people since they don’t purposely listen to stuff that isn’t pleasant to them. This was my fault, sorry.

As before, I tried to go with category fit in the scoring but couldn’t come up with a metric. Most disturbing? I said “slightly uncomfortable” and awarded more for subtlety. And again my subjective music taste was the main factor.

Never forget


While trying not to spam you with more Philip Glass, I realized that this category isn’t that easy for music with lyrics. At least without going overboard. I will first annoy you with a weird instrumental on some esoteric instrument:

I listened to this song today and felt it was more in the vein of what everyone else submitted:

The video combined with the lyrics makes me think about how I judge people and don’t think about their struggles and what they had to overcome to achieve where they are. Then there’s the other side of it. The default. “Just some Portland white trash”. It’s sort of unsettling.


In 14th place with 1 point

Foetus - Today I Started Slogging Again

" I’m not really an industrial guy, but this right hits that sweet spot for me. Just catchy enough to be memorable, but nonetheless vaguely unsettling, with its bleak soundscapes, unexpected sonic blasts, and lyrics about S&M, pain, and cruelty ."


This went a little overboard on the disturbing side. This was the closest thing to what I was fearing about this category but was actually tame compared to what I imagined. More disgusting than anything. I was looking for more subtlety. This was like a fire hose of foetid ichor.


Bit too long but I enjoyed that one. I don’t listen to lyrics or know what they were taking about anyway, so maybe that helps.

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This next song is where this reveal gets a little:

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Not last in this category. I am proud of myself.


In 13th place with 2 points

David Hasselhoff - Looking for Freedom

"I had to think long about a song for this category. I am not good at judging music and I wouldnt really listen to stuff regularly thats not a pleasure for my ears. So why that one you might ask? When I was young this was my first earworm.

When it was on the radio my mom turned it up for me. Hell I cant tell anyone that I like this song. What this could make a fit for this category is that David Hasselhoff actually claimed he helped bringing down the wall with this song. That makes it cringeworthy in my eyes and I only listen to it when nobody is close."


The Hoff!!!

I’m not sure if this was a serious entry or just messing with me. I stated in category “Not in a sounds bad way” lol. Interesting take on the category though. Music you’re ashamed to admit you like. It took guts to enter this. Unfortunately, you will get identified in this thread. Maybe I should have put this at first place.


Present and unconfident

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That was worse than I expected. I echo the respect for submitting it, though.


In 12th place with 3 points

Toad the Wet Sprocket - Hold Her Down

" Ironically, I considered this band (not this song) for category 1, because they are probably a top 5 band for me. Pretty self explanatory in the “uncomfortableness” department."


This went a little far for me. I understand what they’re doing. I wanted slightly disturbing but combined with generic 90’s rock this was actually disturbing to me. I just reread the category description and I know, I asked for this.


Wow, this was my “not too disturbing” choice.


another survived Nodium. I thought for sure I was toast for this category.