Video Games

I snatched one too. First dedicated graphics card ever for me, yay. '99 I ordered a voodoo3 3000 for christmas and all I got was Return to monkey island 1&2 on floppy disks in a shitty box. Ofc that company went bankrupt before I got my money back. Nevertheless now when I’m made whole, first playthrough of Half-Life 2 is about to begin.


I feel like your first game with it should be the new monkey Island Game :slight_smile:


most neckbeard thing ever hahahahah that’s so me

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Thats ok at least he’s playing something, spent like 2 hours trying to get it to post/have the red light turn off and am giving up and going to put in a new PSU I guess. Fucking weird I have a 1000w one but its old and IDK, I got nothing. Or the card is bad -_- guess I’ll find out after I put in another 2+ hours to redo the entire thing basically. Good hobby.

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Fuck you and your bullshit. Half Life 2 could not possibly be that old. It is still fresh to me dammit

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Old man faces down his own mortality, a play in one post


If I had the cash for a 4090 I would for sure want to use a newer PSU with it.


no fucking way…

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Since when do noob tube rounds bounce around like that? I haven’t played any COD is the past 7 or 8 years but back in the day they exploded when they hit a surface

PCs and PC gaming is so fucking weird how do normies get into this at all? I dust off $1700 for a video card and spend the better part of 3 days and 4 PSUs until I finally figure out that the fucking power cords that were on the machine that fit perfectly well into the new PSU’s slots can’t be used. Only the ones that come with the PSU. What the actual fuck?

I finally get it to post, and it can’t find my 2nd SSD. Like, its gone. I swap the power and sata cables, 1st one still works, 2nd one gone, no access, nothing in the bios, dead. I try this a few more times because I’m dumb.

I then have the brilliant idea of taking another of (this psu’s) 6 pin cords and plug that into the psu and the busted drive and… the fucking thing won’t post? What the actual fuck, how does this make any sense? Pull it out and it starts right up. FML.

And how the fuck does this go back in lol. 4 new full sized power cables to run the fucking card and it still has the angry red light on?


wow never occurred to me anyone would think of using cords that didn’t come with the PSU, do NOT mix and match those cables, they are often different wattages. Very good thing it doesn’t work with other cables or well you can see how things could go wrong with many normies.

sometimes the computer sees your 2nd drive but needs a drive letter set in the settings to it or formatted before it shows you it but it might be busted. Computers typically have a hard time posting if it has a bad drive on it. It’s asking it a question and it waits for a response if a bad drive goes full hurp durp it just waits forever.

also red light might not mean it’s angry at all

all this shit is in manuals for this stuff though that nobody read

my last case was annoying to get the PSU cables into the motherboard, they made them more rigid these days, I had some rather friendly ones before

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yeah I just can’t think of any other system that has standardized plugs but requires proprietary cables, maybe I’m crazy. And the manuals are either total garbage or non existent in general. This RTX 4090 has a 1 page manual and there’s not a bigger one online anywhere, I don’t get it.

Manuals for a lot of computer components are straight up garbage. I guess they count on random youtube videos to show people what to do. Thank god my system posted no problem after I built it.

The biggest problem I had was clipping the fan onto the CPU cooler. I had to find a youtube video to show me how to do it and it was still a major pain in the ass.

Anyone else following League of Legends Worlds?

Some really fun games so far, basically it’s just all China and South Korea left, but that means that 3 out of the 4 QF matchups are super evenly matched.

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this is why i never try to do components on my own lol, everyone says it’s easy but i hate it and fuck up all the time

i had a project class that was basically build a basic computer from scratch using a bread board, wires, and a really tiny chip. when it got to the soldering i nearly gave up, but luckily a grad student helped me

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I’ve been watching off and on. NA continues to be so far behind it’s laughable.


my alma mater was one of the first public schools in the country to form a dedicated esports team and they curb stomped everyone in the collegiate circuit, it was so fun to watch.

compared to these guys though they were scrubs. the skill is insane

If there’s one game to watch so far if you missed it: Go watch the tiebreaker between JDG and Damwon.

Damwon probably had a better draft and was on their way to a Snowball, but JDG had a perfect team fight at the exact moment they needed it which just turned 369’s Aatrox into an unkillable monster

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Yea I watched alot of NA, was really sad