USA Presidents Day discussion and tier listing

This is a thread where one can celebrate the greatness that is the Office of the American President, and the merits of the past occupants except Andrew Jackson and you know who.

Best? I’ll go with the boring OG choice of GW Washington. He put the crown down and that was a very good deed.

Worst? A Jackson, this indian killer and racist POS was the worst of the worst imo.

I don’t think a pure 1 to 46 ranking makes sense. I’d rather do it as a set of tiers and not spend much time ranking within a tier, partly because I don’t care to do the research on the 19th century parade of mediocrities.

Tier one to me feels like FDR, Lincoln, Washington, and Jefferson. Only Teddy Roosevelt has a good argument for also being included in the top tier, I think.

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I got John Tyler at the top of the fifth quintile or bottom of the fourth quintile.


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Teddy Roosevelt would wrestle people he disagreed with in the oval office, and if they won he would approve their idea


Maybe, but no one would even try that with Washington: