UP's Blind Spot for Sexism and Misogyny

I thought he meant an establishment Democrat.


Yeah that all makes sense. Like, I don’t blame anybody individually for not calling it out, but collectively we tend to suck way more at calling out sexism than any other form of bigotry. My goal isn’t to blame anyone or really make anyone feel bad for it here, but rather to get everyone to think about it for like 20 seconds and hopefully then decide to keep an eye out for it next time.


Co-signed :blush:


Hey, if we’re calling people out, can I call out @clovis8?

In the “sex” thread, Bigoldnit described herself as a “gold star lesbian.” Someone asked her what that was, and Clovis jumped in to mansplain before BON had a chance to answer.

Why not let her speak for herself? Interjecting there is infantilizing and patronizing.

I’d agree with you if this were IRL but I’m not sure that objection transfers to a forum experience. It’s not like she’s in the room and he jumped in to answer. But maybe you’re right.


I probably should have let her answer in hindsight but it is certainly not mansplaining as I wasn’t explaining anything to her. I was explaining it to another guy.

Edit: thinking about this more after asking a few women. I’m curious of her opinion here. If she thinks my answering was infantalizing. If she does I’ll happily apologize.

For the record, I had no problem with it. It’s a pretty common term and has a pretty accepted definition, so I don’t think that I necessarily have to be the one to speak on it.

My opinion would probably differ if, say, I had described myself as queer, which seems to have more individualized use cases, and someone was asking me what that meant.

More broadly, I’ll just say that I appreciate any and all attempts you folks make to be more thoughtful about these issues. None of us are perfect (myself included), but hopefully if we are conscious and willing to listen to criticism when it comes for us, we’ll get better both as individuals and as a forum.


Well said. Thanks.

The queer comment is a good example. I would never speak to someone else’s definition of being queer.

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Thanks for both your input.

I’ll put this down then to Clovis’ desire to be the forum’s authority on sex and sexuality. Annoying but not offensive.


Why couldn’t a man be a swamp donkey? The original usage was not gender specific.

Is assuming it was about women potentially homophobic?

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A man can be a swamp donkey, but people just don’t really talk like that. Far too often a man is an asshole or an idiot and women are ugly and fat. This is why “she’s ugly” is sexist when said to a woman (in certain contexts) but not sexist (even if it’s rude or tacky) when said to a man. Women are far too often criticized for their looks because they are women.


Huh? Yeah, it was. Mike was speculating about the kind of women cuse is into.


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I’m going to start using “swamp donkey” to refer to poker players who are bad at both poker and hygiene.


Y’all are making a mistake to look for any specific meaning in swamp donkey. It doesn’t need a specific meaning. It has a generalized, obvious meaning in context. He means an anonymous, interchangeable, dirty, promiscuous, and probably unattractive woman. It’s obvious that’s what the meaning was in context because that’s clearly what the poster was attempting to communicate.

Literally any language intended to degrade a woman (either an specific woman or a generalized woman) is quite bad, regardless of the meaning of the specific word chosen. If your intention is to categorize some women as gross, dirty, ugly, or otherwise bad, you’re being misogynistic.

I saw it in the COVID thread and sighed, but decided not to respond as I’m a third-tier poster and I see posts with that flavor all the time on here (and cuse had already responded). This underscores that OP is 100% correct on this topic.


Love him, he’s a liberal.

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Common use in New England as well. There used to be annual keg party in northern NH held on a rock climbing cliff which was called the Swamp Donkey Disco. (The party not the cliff. The cliff was Cannon Cliff, formally famous for the old man profile.)

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Nice try at an unprompted jab after the matter has resolved.

I absolutely guarantee I’m far more progressive than you are on matters of sexuality.

Unless you’re the reincarnation of Lord Byron with added Eric Gill sexual behaviour genes for good measure I don’t see how you can be 100% sure of that.