Unstuckables Rewatchables (a movie game)

I’m setting my personal bar at “half-step worse than Commando.” If it can give me that, I’ll be happy.


4 minutes in, I see Yaphet Kotto’s name, I am in. Love Arnold’s movies, even the goofy ones.


The Running Man freaking rocks. Richard Dawson as Killian is inspired casting. Total camp. Epic one-liners. Such a quotable movie as well. Not Arnold’s best but just below his apex.


P.S. it’s also free on YouTube

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Surprised no one mentioned that The Running Man is based on a book by “Richard Bachman,” which was Stephen King’s pseudonym from when he was so coked out of his mind that he was writing too many awesome books and didn’t want to flood the market with his own name.

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I’m detecting, uhh, something more than a half-step worse. But I’ll be seeing this through to the end.

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I never saw the movie but the book is quite good and could have had a good adaptation made of it, racism aside. I heard the movie was not good in its time.


“SUBZERO, NOW JUST PLAIN ZERO!” This is rough. But “Plain Zero” is my initial nomination for a racehorse name from the movie.

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Continuing my discussion of The Fugitive, I think ultimately it’s a very well made film, but one part really stuck out to me. Near the end, Kimball has a fight with the one-armed man on an L train. After he knocks him out and handcuffs his good arm to a pole, he says “You missed your stop!”

Why did this turn into a Schwarzenegger movie all of a sudden? It’s otherwise pretty grounded.

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I’ve gotta say, and I’m surprised to be saying it…second half of the movie kind of turned me around on it? Like, this had way less funny in it than the Arnold movies I’m accustomed to, but on some level I think it threaded the needle and actually made its ridiculousness work at the end. The whole time, I’m thinking, “So, it’s not just that Arnold has to survive, but he also has to blow up the public perception of the whole farce, because the movie is totally pointless without that.” Which in turn made me think we would get some sort of absurd Rocky IV ending where Rocky singlehandedly ends the Cold War by boxing with heart and determination. And I thought that was bearing out when the audience member bets on Arnold, and the audience seems to start turning his way when the bet pays out. But the actual ending kind of felt like a real victory within the universe we were operating within?

I don’t know; I think I now actually hold a mildly positive opinion of this movie. It doesn’t really belong in the same category as Predator and Commando because those can more or less be enjoyed as comedies and this mostly can’t, and yet the movie still manages to kind of work on whatever level you can take it semi-seriously.


The movie is also almost as far away from the source material as The Lawnmower Man

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Its being remade by Edgar Wright and I am fucking stoked

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I guess not, but I generally love the camp in Arnold movies.

I kind of liked Running Man, but the middle act really is a chore to get through.

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Any chance anyone here has read the book and would recommend it? Could help me unlock the movie.

One of my favorite King books.

Its also nothing like the movie, so it wont be much help. Richards in the book is a scrawny, impoverished weakling who is sick and malnourished.

Ya know, just like Arnold Schwarzenegger

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Okay I’ll give the book a shot. I’m hoping we one day get an adaptation of The Long Walk.

Its in development at Lionsgate with the Hunger Games guy slated to direct.

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Nice. Edgar Wright directing means it should be good.

At least as good as the video game.

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You’re in for a treat.