Unstuckables Rewatchables (a movie game)

I made a good faith effort to watch “old movie that they were enthusiastic about that I’ve never heard of outside of this podcast” when I watched Blow Out, and it’s going to take a little bit for me to regain my sense of trust.

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I was not expecting an appearance by porn star Ed Begley Jr.

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Good movie IMO, definitely looking forward to hearing the Rewatchables take on it. Obviously there’s some unpleasant shit going on in it given the premise, but it was worth watching.

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Good Rewatchables episode. Those personal details about George C. Scott were pretty wild; I knew none of that.

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Thoughts on the end? It feels like Scott leaves the prostitute character high and dry after spending the ebtire film developing a father/daughter relationship, and then he gets his daughter back and is like “whelp,peace!”

Wasnt a big fan of the ending. I get that not every movie ends happily but it just felt shitty.

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It’s not a great ending. The Rewatchables panel also all agreed that the ending was the weak point. Apparently what was originally meant to be the ending was that the daughter dies and the Scott character basically adopts the prostitute and brings her back home with him to take care of her, but that ending got nixed and they shot this and shoehorned it in instead.

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Why I knew about the film


The Rewatchables episode convinced me to give this a shot, but it’s already been removed from Tubi :sob:

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Not gonna lie, I’m strangely satisfied that the failure to blindly accept my endorsement backfired.


That’ll teach me! Now about that bridge you’re selling.

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Pretty good 20 minute recap if you dont want to pay for it

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I would nominate The Fugitive except I’m watching it right now.

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Monday’s episode will be The Running Man. Haven’t seen, but I’ll try to get to it before then. It’s on Hoopla if your library connects to that.

Never seen Running Man before, tbh. Will try to catch it on the weekend.

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Appreciate this. I see it’s also free on Pluto TV if you don’t mind commercials.

Holy shit you three, you are missing out on one of the most insane camp movies of the 1900s. Its brilliant and terrible all at the same time.


It looks like it’s Hunger Games, but Arnold? With a side of Jesse Ventura? I’m excited.

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I regret to inform you I turned it off halfway through. This thing just isn’t my bag.

Otoh Rewatchables convinced me to give Beverly Hills Cop II another shot, and I’m enjoying it for classic Eddie.

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It’s more like American Gladiators tbh


Do you tend to like over the top awful camp?

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