Unstuckables Rewatchables (a movie game)

It’s real and it’s terrible


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Nobody was interested in Dodgeball?

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I was very interested in it. Then I went to the theater and watched it on opening night. And then, welp.


Specific shoutout to something I only noticed this time for the first time. That scene where Pitt is taking a bath and Norton is in the room clipping his nails or whatever he’s doing. Pitt starts bitching about the exact problems he has with his dad. Deflated Norton says, “Sounds familiar.”

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They didn’t drop a new episode this week, they just brought out a 1999 one of The Sixth Sense that had been in some other paywalled feed before. But it’s new to me, so good enough. Bill did an intro saying that he doesn’t consider The Sixth Sense to be super rewatchable; Bill never hesitates to take an L. The Sean/CR/Jason crew does a good job though. Shame that Jason Concepcion is gone from The Ringer.

I did enjoy the observation from CR (paraphrasing), “People have noted that The Sixth Sense doesn’t really offer much of a B-plot, but that’s not true: for some reason they give all of it to Tommy Tommasino!”

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We appear to be back in the cycle of Bill hiding the ball for the fun of it. He promised that this week would be a “world-class heater of a banger” or some weird triple superlative like that, which he’s usually good to his word on, so I assume it’s something relatively iconic that maybe I’ll know cold enough to just jump straight into the podcast. Then again, I saw a chillingly credible guess of Anchorman, and if it’s that then I’ll just pass. That movie provides some laughs but is quite overrated.

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John Wick!!!

Fits the description. I’m slightly less enthused than I otherwise would be about the choice since they already did a John Wick Pt. 2 episode and thus have already discussed the world, but I’ll definitely listen.

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