Unstuck’s Playlist A-Z

A go-to karaoke killer of mine.

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Can’t believe I forgot deadmau5 this whole time

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I really like this one, but also, posting in part because I feel this version (which appeared on a label compilation) is better than the one that made it to their album.


I’m generally not a prog-rock guy, except for this song, a classic and a banger:

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Everybody knows Rhapsody in Blue, but some of the backstory is that Gershwin was pushed into writing the whole thing in just a few weeks (a beloved band leader had announced there would be a concert in one month featuring a new jazz concerto by Gershwin, which was literally news to Gershwin, because he found out when he read it in a newspaper), and also that Gershwin ended up writing the guts of Rhapsody in Blue while he was riding a train, which makes sense because we can hear those rhythms all through the piece.

Rhapsody in Blue is carved on American classical music rushmore, and classical music snoots who roll their eyes about how popular it is or how it has a loosey-goosey structure should probably take a breath and lie down, ideally right on those inspirational train tracks.

—a good live recording with lenny conducting from the piano
—bonus gliss!


Skipping Jay-Z and New Order for now so we can check out Handsome Boy Modeling School.

So, uh, if you want to know what my process ends up looking like, S was a huge letter, and this is everything I considered, by which I mean “hey I like that song enough to throw it on here.”

Anyway, let’s start with a classic:


Only posting the music video because i like it a lot. Censored lyrics suck especially when they really aren’t that bad.

Uncensored lyrics

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Trance (and whatever is adjacent) has never really appealed to me with one notable exception Darude’s Before the Storm album.


Lovely summer day many moons ago I’d popped out for a midday wander and a beer at a bar looking on to Clapham Common (South London). The bar was light and airy and fairly busy. This album was put on the whole place bounced - and continued bouncing until late afternoon. What an unexpectably brilliant day that was.

I have since spent many hours playing that same album in WinAmp

(Evolver skin)

with visualisation (Acidspunk & Milkdrop being favs for that) on a big screen.

Picking the first, and probably best known, track off this album - although I like them all - Sandstorm as my S.


Sandstorm - Darude

Trying to get the WinAmp visualisation experience across in the video I found but it just doesn’t do it justice - I hope at least some of you know what I’m babbling about.


Omg does that skin take me back to college. Winamp?

Eta yes you specified winamp in your post. Maybe I should try reading instead of looking at pics and responding lol

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Country music isn’t my thing, AT ALL. But I saw her perform this on Colbert and fell in love with it. It’s just a great song.


Another all-time classic.

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nothing fancy here, S = Symphony and I’m going with the second movement of Beethoven’s Seventh, the allegretto. There’s no perfect choice—if we were having a sensational megadraft of the best individual symphony movements in the history of classical music then (1) I’m going to leap in the air and immediately start flying like light speed superman towards a deserted tropical island with prime Grace Kelly & the Luzon woman of the Philippines because if we’re running that draft then I’ll know that I’m dreaming and maybe I can keep things going in the right direction, and (2) the allegretto from Beethoven’s 7th is for me a lock lottery pick.

“Beethoven was deaf” ranks up there with “human beings have walked on the moon,” “nuclear bombs were dropped on Japan,” and “the super bowl shuffle is something that exists” in terms of breathtaking true facts that have been so baked into our understanding of the universe that we don’t walk around being re-astounded by them every 45 seconds. And yes, we could argue about the timing and the details of his deafness, but in the end we’re never really gonna get around the main point, which is that Ludwig van Beethoven couldn’t hear sounds, and that’s NUTS

Beethoven’s Seventh Symphony, second movement (allegretto)

if you pass on the Beethoven then for S:
swan + human dancer #1: Dance of the Little Swans from Swan Lake by Tchaikovsky
swan + human dancer #2: The Swan from Carnival of the Animals by Saint-Saens
a piano version of The Stars and Stripes Forever by Sousa, played by Horowitz imitating an orchestra


What’s the matter with him?

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