Unstuck’s Playlist A-Z

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I can’t dismiss the original but Cornell elevated this song to another level when he played it as an acoustic.

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Gonna keep going with foreign language music. This time it’s Japanese garage rock band The Birthday

Really feels more like Japanese grunge though


oh, it’s L day? Time for the GOAT

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You know how to get the likes from me!

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I was a little surprised you didn’t get to this one first. Probably my favorite Neko Case performance.

L is for Lakme, an opera composed in 1882 by Léo Delibes, known for its duet “Viens, Mallika” aka “The Flower Duet,” which gets used all the time in films but most famously by British Airways

a solid live version of the duet (takes a minute to get to the familiar part)

fwiw this piece sometimes gets confused with the “Letter Duet,” i.e. the canzonetta sull’aria (from Figaro), a different soprano + mezzo-soprano duet that got popular from the opera scene in Shawshank

PS for guitar fans here’s the Lute Suite BWV 1006A’s first movement, composed by Bach & shredded by Williams


A classic from one of Gen-X’s beloved College Rock bands.

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all right, it’s been four hours, i couldn’t wait any longer to get the party started on Saturday night

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