Unstuck in the High Castle: your one chance to change history

I go back to where the global meeting of men happened where they decided to teach women to feel bad when they have/enjoy sex and…

… use my words to convince them of the error of their ways


One of my favorite novels played out this kind of scenario a few times.

At one point, the main character finds out what would happen if someone knew to gather the talent of Steven Spielberg and George Lucas early on to make a completely different movie. The butterfly effect from cinema to global events is a lot of fun to watch play out, then see the main character replay his life again with a totally different set of choices, including one with significant political changes.


Go back to Jesus, encourage him (by any means necessary) to write a notarized statement “Be Nice to everyone else.”


Plague is a highly treatable bacterial infection. LIterally just teach everyone how to make penicillin from bread mold and you’ve cured it.

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What happens if you start antibiotic resistance much much earlier in history?

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Were any casinos taking serious bets on WSOP winners in 2003? Cause I got a long shot I think might come in.

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I go back in the telephone booth, mold the bread, save everyone from the plague, and they annoint me as king of the world. I tell them I’m a time traveler from the future and make some predictions that come true to assert my claim. They believe me. I tell them about modern technology and medicine. They are amazed. Then I tell them that 500 years later there are motherfuckers who won’t vaccinate their kids. They lose faith in humanity and off themselves and we avoid the 2016 election entirely.


I email high level NBC executives. I have this great idea for a reality TV Show called The Apprentice.

It is a reality TV show where competitors have to show their business acumen, and their fate is decided by the mogul of our time Bill Gates.


This is the kind of background element you’d see in a remake/sequel?! to Last Action Hero :+1:

The only reasonable target times (at least in the West) are somewhere in England in 1750 and, if you want to be way out there, Golden Age Cordoba.

Generally speaking, the idea that you’re going to be Hank from Connecticut Yankee is delusion. You want to plug into a group of smarter, more capable people in the local timeframe who can “debrief” you to get insight about future science to inform their own thinking.

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If I get to make one edit I probably make Al Gore win… maybe I stop MLK from being assassinated. That one would be pretty good too if I can just give him plot armor against future attempts.

The civil rights movement having real leadership through the present day would have done a lot of good. Really taking climate change seriously starting in 2000 would also be a big win.

The only reason I don’t go back and stop Hitler is that I have no idea what impact that has on the history of the world.

That was a good episode of Boondocks.

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I’ve always wondered what the world would look like if Constantine hadn’t become emperor. Without him Christianity basically just fizzles out in it’s infancy. I’m not sure it would be better, but the world sure would be different.

Go back to April 14, 2011 and swap my full tilt bankroll for bitcoin at $0.10. Then use my billions to invent a time machine so I can go back and stop 9/11

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