Unstuck in the High Castle: your one chance to change history

Yeah you don’t get to be an atheist anymore. Seriously though none of us know the language and it would be super touch and go at the beginning.

Aren’t you quite likely to catch some old strain of a common disease and die anyway?

Am I remembering right that this was a fun surprise for one or two of the characters in Michael Crichton’s Timeline?

If you deign to read such pop fiction :thinking:

I think I read that book like twenty years ago or something. But I think the language part is pretty obvious. I saw a meme where they showed the same bible verse over the last thousand years or so just in English… and the one from 800 ad wasn’t fucking English lol.

I mean with full immersion and my talent for mimicking accents if I made it a year I’d be golden, but that first year… tough spot.

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True story, Shakespeare’s English, to the degree you could understand it in real time (harder than it may seem), would have sounded like arg ye matey Pirate talk, but go a century before that, good luck (unless you have studied this obv)

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That’s the only piece of advice they give you if you move to Alaska.


Somehow bread mold makes medicine that cures like everything that was killing people back then. If I could crack that, I fee like i’d be on to something.

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Assuming you are alive, not starving, learned the language, and they don’t want to kill you for being a heretic, I think the best play would be to go to the nearest university, find the smartest dudes, and start telling them what you know for sure, tell them about stuff that is known but that you yourself don’t know or are unsure about, and go from there.

If you can get your time traveling ass to 13th century University of Oxford, any number of basic facts you learned in high school would be very helpful to them.

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Wow. Any idea why?

It’s how you make penicillin. I’ve just educated myself on how to make it: Mold, Food, and Penicillin Allergies

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Would save Fred Trump Jr.


And come up with Freud’s thing before Freud came up with his thing

And the evolution thing before Charlie comes up with his evolution thing

Go back in time to tell Christopher Columbus the earth is flat? No really it’s flat! I’m from the future, it is flat!


The idea that it was generally accepted that the earth was flat when Christopher Columbus set sail is false and urban legend elementary school nonsense.

I would give the Scottish people gunpowder before anyone else had it.

No… And I should say I’m being sarcastic


Don‘t kill cats. Kill the rats who carry the fleas who transmit the disease. Enforce quarantine procedures.

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According to the History of Byzanthium podcast they had no concept of inflation. They minted more coins whenever they needed money.


This is good.

Do you have any strategy for how to get enough people to implement your strategy to matter?