Ukrainian Derail

Yeah it seemed pretty bogus to me, but ultimately all the propaganda wore me down. Now answer my questions about supporting the troops.

Well, Wookie for one. And like 98 percent of American’s for another. There must be some overlap here? Or maybe nobody felt like speaking up against those posts the last few days regarding the disgusting Orcs who are being kidnapped and forced to serve being culpable.

As @goofyballer indicated, you appear to be lying about @MrWookie:

(That one post is a discussion in the LC thread of LOTR by the way).

Try harder.

Lie less?

I mean, most of the people here were quite young for afghanistan/Iraq.

I’d expect people to have been watching more Daily Show than whatever mainstream news, that’s how I was against it.

College was also a pretty liberal place and most of us were probably in it at the time. I was. Also, agreed about the Daily Show.

If I never did that would I be allowed to think that Russian conscripts are culpable?

Are American troops culpable for Iraq?


Then you’re good imo.

Everyone is responsible for what they do to a certain extent (people seem to fight me on this when I suggest they are responsible for things like their CO2 emissions), but the blaming of the soldiers is a dangerously wrong thing to do whether it’s the US soldiers, the Russians or the Germans in WW2. It’s dangerous because it suggests that they were different than people are here and now. People are the same and people here and now would react the same way people then did in the same circumstances. Being aware of that should help people be more alert at early signs and more critical of things like falling in line in times of war.


This is a galaxy-brain bad level take.

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Wrong and, as a Jew, you should know better. You don’t get “never again” by thinking it was something special about Germans.


It wasn’t something special about the Germans, and as a jew you should absolutely be fucking blaming the German soldiers. Jesus Christ this isn’t hard.

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Even the Russian stuff is ridiculous. the Russian army engaged in mass rape in Eastern Europe in WW2 amongst other atrocities.

It is hard actually.

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Ukrainians were engaged in widespread shooting of Jews.

No, it’s not. There aren’t shades of gray about the fucking holocaust and the soldiers who fought on the side trying to exterminate a people. In your search to make a stupid point you’ve extended yourself into fucking absurdity.

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No it’s not. It’s what Hannah Arendt said.