Ukraine War: Discussion

Think of SK as Putin’s defense attorney and you can predict what he will say next. He only needs to believe that something is a “fair argument” to spout it out. There is no need for logical consistency between his arguments, his moral framework will constantly shift and he will never, ever admit he was wrong about anything.


He’s like the Neal Katyal for totalitarian murderers, but he has scruples, he won’t represent the US.


You say that like Neal doesn’t represent murderers

that’s the joke.gif

Come on, no one’s a Russian tankie here.

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I don’t think he is a fanboy of Putin or what he is doing. I think literally what I said, that for whatever reason he posts as if he was hired as his defense attorney and forced to present the best case he has got.

And it’s not true that he will not accept clients of the evil US regime, he did the same thing for Trump.

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True, potatoes don’t grow on trees.

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Because it perpetuates a terrible war that might end up killing a million people? Displaces tens of millions? I’m against it on the grounds you state as well. But the wholesale slaughter of Ukrainians and Russians is terrible. And for what? To hurt Russia?

Look, it’s well past the time for you to admit that there’s any sort of argument that the war is being perpetuated by anything other than Russia’s insistence on genocide.

Of course, I’ve been doing that!



Analyst Mykhailo Samus said Russian troops should have been evacuated “a long time ago”, but added he thought it was unlikely the Ukrainians would want to attack the Russian-held city where tens of thousands of residents remain.

“The Ukrainians won’t conduct any battle for Kherson. They don’t attack and destroy cities like Russia, like Mariupol,” Samus said, referring to the city the Russians pounded to rubble earlier in the war.

Retired US General Ben Hodges agreed the Ukrainians were likely to avoid a “giant fight inside the city” and instead are “keeping these Russian troops fixed there so that they cannot escape”.

Pierre Grasser, a researcher tied to Paris’ Sorbonne University, said Ukrainian troops were having to carefully weigh their movements outside the city. Any closer and “they will be entering the Kherson suburbs and that could be dangerous”, he said

That’s how the great game is played. You try to increase your sphere of influence while reducing others. If Russia wants to grind itself to a pulp in Ukraine then we definitely should make it as painful for them as we can, so long as it’s as it’s advantageous to do so, and decimating Russia’s tank forces for the cost of some small portion of the defense budget is getting a lot of bang for the buck.

Russia expanding its influence is just what great powers do, and you can’t expect to stop them from doing that unless you plan on making them mad, at which point you are at fault for their response. But if the US expands its influence, even to countries that voluntarily and nonviolently want to enter into alliance, that is perpetuation of the most evil foreign policy ever.


jfc, can people just stop engaging Keed’s BS.
Please stop giving him oxygen/traction.


Why do people think the US south capitulated? They DID fight a guerrilla war. They have been fighting to subvert the federal government, the rule of law, and black people almost constantly since the Civil War. If anything, the North capitulated by abandoning reconstruction in favor of reconciliation.

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