Ukraine, Russia, and the West

one big flaw of crazy people in charge the only people willing to do whatever they say are complete morons

ie, if too smart then the crazy dude is savvy enough not to put them there


Everyone has a plan until the shooting starts. Best not to start wars hoping to implement a clever strategy.

I mean look at wwii or the civil war, swift determined action almost always produces significant tactical gains. Then you have to depend on actual things like industrial capacity, troop strength and morale, resources, and basic legitimacy.

The biggest question for me in this whole thing is how how Putin thinks it can turn into a win.

  1. Invade Ukraine
  2. ???
  3. Profit

Best case, he deposes zelenaky and installs a puppet within a month. That’s his best case. What then, the people shower the puppet and Putin with love and respect and everyone lives happily ever after. Putin has probably thought through step 2, though who knows, but he sure as hell hasn’t made it to step 3.


So commit to the defense of Kyiv? Which would have been a decent plan to begin with, right? Spreads Russian forces out in space. If they expend resources trying to lure you out, so much the better.

Edit: not a response to simp. Just commenting on possible Russian strategy for taking Kyiv.

taliban has called for a ceasefire between russia and ukraine.



this is a good thread

man if they dropped it on china that’d be dumber than all fuck, let’s turn the only major country who hasn’t denounced us yet and also they border us against us. Even india would be dumb as heck they’re not doing anything.

everyone who acts or speaks like trump in all the positions over there but maybe dumber

Micronesia severs diplomatic ties with russia. LOL. literally dissing the largest country to go fuck themselves.


If Putin’s “I will respond with something you have never seen in your history” is bombing the US with the International Space Station I think I’d be ok with making him Leader of Earth.


video of dead russian soldiers and disabled armored vehicles after a battle in Obolon’. probably not the only occupier brigades in the area, but still.

a video of a captured soldier, he claims they were told it was going to be wargames, not an actual invasion.

he also claimed that he is OMON, which is basically something between riot police and swat.

loool if true. this is going to end very poorly for vladimir

just so you guys don’t think i’m full of shit


Or maybe he’s just trying to save his own ass?

possibly. other captured soldiers said similar things though.

i’m cautiously weighing the chance that putin lied to his own invasion army as ‘very likely’.

Well they’re in the process of storming Kyiv as we type, so if the Russian soldiers enter the capital, lay down their arms, and yell “We didn’t mean it!” we’ll know they were deceived by evil Vlad.

I hope that’s what happens but me thinks that won’t be the case.

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What sources are you guys using for your Ukraine news? Personally I’m just checking Candace Owens’ Twitter feed.


i should say not every captured one said that. so far, captured ones are just privates and maybe platoon leaders. fairly low rank.

telegram. apparently tiktok is also good

Must. Resist. Piling on.

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Christo is an amazing reporter. here he talks about the paratrooper drop. the runway was too damaged (presumably from airstrikes) to land. oof, so close, but foiled by thier own ambition.