Ukraine, Russia, and the West

CPAC 2023 speaker surely

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Never give up your nukes kids

CNN ex-soldier guy thinks Ukraine has a chance.

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So when the Soviet Union broke up, did Russia literally just pull out all the nukes in Ukraine and truck them back to Russia?

Ukraine held them for a while, Russia later removed them with Ukrainian permission.

Ironically they returned them because both Russia and many western European nations promised to protect their security.

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seeing an unconfirmed report that VSU hit a russian airport in what seems to be russia.

one of the cyberattacks appears to be a number of phishing campaigns against ukrane nationals. hmmm…

What should the priority be?

Prioritizing avoidance of war is a weak-tight strategy and leads one to being continually run over if someone decides to be a bully and threaten violence repeatedly to take what they want. Appeasement now as a strategy only works if you think Russia will be satiated by Ukraine and not have any further demands emboldened by their ability to get away with things now.

I don’t know what you think my thing is. I tend to be interested in theory and what-ifs and exploring hypotheticals, so I like to consider the range of possibilities instead of concentrating on the specific hand situation.

Hostomel appears to be holding

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I mean do you see a scenario where a WW3 doesn’t involve nukes and an at best mega devestation of earth?

It’s reasonable to read my statements ITT as assuming that ww3 will be a nuclear war.

house of representatives trying to kick out russia from UN security council?

Couple of gems from the Rupar and Dale thread.

Melitopol back under ukrainian control


I need to see Republicans whining about how Ukrainian gun laws made them vulnerable to Russian invasion.