Ukraine, Russia, and the West

I’m really hoping to see someone collect the $M for a warship, but there’s no way a single person could pull something like that off. Have no idea how many sailors would have to be in on something of that magnitude.

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Ooh. Sick burn, Sergey.

I volunteer to do a year of Obama’s time if it comes to that. I’m not doing anything anyway.


Man edgelording as an official state position is something

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Well it’s not all of them. Might have been one of the isolated pockets.

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Obviously the whataboutism is weak, but I’ve been thinking about it more this week.

If you asked the average American about what they thought of the Iraq invasion in the early '00s, no one would have even thought “war crimes”. And if someone said that, they would do pretty much what the average Russian is doing now: “War crimes? LOL, wat. Boy, they really have you brainwashed. Their ain’t no war crimes going on. We’re just trying to eliminate a serious threat to both the US and the entre world”

Obviously there are significant differences between Ukraine and that, so I don’t want to be seen as someone who is equivocating and saying that they are totally the same thing (although that will probably happen despite this disclaimer).

It does seem like actually doing war crimes is not that hard for leaders to stomach if in their minds they think they are right. It also seems that getting most countries’ citizens to just smile and nod or even cheer when it comes to war crimes isn’t as difficult as it should be.


I spent 20 minutes running down the authenticity of that account when I could have just come here. :slightly_frowning_face:

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Yessssssssss. Send it in!

I want to see columns and columns of tanks, armored vehicles to roll through.

OSINT is always on the level. So if he vouches for the Cossack guy that’s good enough for me.

do you have a link to the 6min audio? it’s not in the twitter thread that i can see

It’s in a reply.

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No, I can’t. Which makes me wonder. The guy said

but then I can’t find anyone who’s posted a Youtube link. The guy doesn’t seem to be full of shit. He’s written articles and had other people write about him, but until I see a video I’d chalk that up into ‘interesting if true’

thread highlights:

My aunt had some relatives visit from Romania on the 80s or maybe early 90s and they had the same experience. They wanted to go to grocery store after grocery store and just gawk at the stuff.

Also an important point:


This one?

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i just watched it. seems relatively straightforward russian ATC and heli are investigating bogies on some type of navigation radar, looking for the 812 helicopter which disappeared. neither conclusive, nor obviously fake.

Mr Skyba, speaking to us on April 4th, says that he and the other men were beaten and tortured, and after a few hours an order was issued to kill them. Some of the soldiers had Asian eyes and strong accents, he said, which led him to assume that they were from Buryatia, in eastern Siberia.

The execution order was itself issued by a man who spoke with a standard Russian accent. “The Buryatis asked what they should do with us. The Russian answered that they should ‘ yebashit ’ us [‘fucking do them in’]—but to do it away from the base.”

Mr Skyba says that they were led to the side of the building and shot. He took a bullet in the side, but it went through his body. He survived by playing dead on the concrete floor. As soon as he heard there were no voices, he fled over a fence to a nearby home. Some Russian soldiers later found him there, but they were from a different unit, and believed a cover story that he was the owner of the home.

Remarkably, they then led him back to a bomb shelter in the cellar of the same base where he had been shot. Mr Skyba stayed there, along with a dozen or so women and children, for a few days before the soldiers released them. He travelled back to Kyiv on March 9th or 10th, when humanitarian corridors opened.

it is definitely burned in memory.


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