Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Ah, but you forget how if you cheer for and support the armament of people who fight back against other people who seek to commit genocide against them, you are acktschewally on the side of war and thus complicit in the genocide.

Just a few posts up there is a report by an eyewitness of what basically amounts to the cruel execution of a civilian more than two weeks ago.

Didn’t you get the memo?

NATO aggression left Putin no choice but to invade.

Seems like some of both. The 20 dead bodies in Bucha sounds like it could be a last minute job where they rounded up all the men they could find on their way out of town.

Man I just don’t get looking at those photos and reports and then posting ‘PAY ATTENTION TO ME’ bullshit.

So the easy path to peace is giving Donbas and Crimea to the Russians… but how in the hell does Ukraine do that after what’s been uncovered?

Graphic: “Bucha. Local resident Antonina Pomazenko shows her daughter’s body. She went outside because she heard the roar of a column, and Russian soldiers opened fire on her for no apparent reason.”


This is supposed to be a corpse’s hand moving btw. Parallel universe pro-Russia twitter is going bananas about it.


those who paid attention to putin for any amount of time knew he was capable of it and told us these atrocities were coming. (kasparov, browder, navalny, nemtsov, khodorkovsky, fuck even nuland and albright ). and they were also solidly telling us for years that he is absolutely already mentally ready to order a nuclear strike when he’s in a deep enough hole OF HIS OWN MAKING.

and yet plenty smart enough posters here went “welll akshually it’s not in their military doctrine, so you have no choice but to watch it burn”, refusing much smarter people with actual skin in the game.

we are all just typical internet posters, and it’s about damn time to get some sense of when to just stop typing and listen to some who has relevant personal connections to the crisis.

I don’t think any atrocities were planned, at least of the house to house variety (I mean, the whole siege of Mariupol is an atrocity). It doesn’t fit with the objectives of the invasion, a quick political victory. However, when you have say 100 troops who push beyond the advance, which has been pummeled, their buddies killed, so much that it’s in full retreat a few days later, what do they do when they take a hamlet in unfriendly territory? If things were organized they would disarm the populace and maybe take POWs, probably ship them to Russia they have many towns in the East, but they literally cannot do this from outside Kiev, where transport lines are stalled and they are trying to stay alive, not run a civilian evacuation. And what if they are in a pocket surrounded by enemies, overextended, with their advance already fallen apart? Well, if you’re Russian military you go house to house and kill all the men. It is a war crime? Sure it is, but it’s not the result of some plan, it’s what they do when the plan has already fallen apart. There are plenty of atrocities to hang on the Russians, and I will be for the punishment and degradation of Russia for longer than most here, but to think they planed to advance on Kiev to do a genocide is, like all conspiracies, just artificially creating order of of chaos.

it’s true some atrocities are not planned in advance. yet, many of atrocities occur to cover up something that happened earlier. so while not planned, such crimes somehow become more likely when there are other instances

Russia made a point about demanding the surrender of multiple mayors and other local officials with explicit threats of violence if they didn’t surrender. Later we find local leaders with their families tortured and murdered.

Huge parts of this was planned. The rest was predictable.


Russia did this in Syria, demand that international bodies investigate the Syrian rebels for atrocities that itself committed but claimed the opposition did.

I said before that Russia as a country was Trump before Trump but they are somehow even more shameless than him. If had to pinpoint how that is even possible, guess it would be that their leadership is higher on the sadistic cruelty/creativity scale.

I guess even a UN Security Council meeting where nearly all of those speaking will condemn them can still be used for propaganda purposes at home. And on FOX. And then the FOX clips at home.

They’re just not as stupid. Donnie Dumb Dumb is an imbecile.