Ukraine, Russia, and the West

There are third-generation B52 pilots (ie their father and grandfather also flew the B52) and there will certainly be fourth generation and possibly even 5th gen pilots before it retires sometime in the 2050s

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So as to prevent further incidents?

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meh, :man_shrugging: it’s vict0ar whatever

he’s not making some point, he’s going for a reaction


i might snap call us being a bigger shithole than ukraine in ten years.


Do you want us to go through your posting history to look for times you scolded your enemies for only valuing American lives?

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Yeah, shipping food to Mariupol doesn’t change much.

I understand the point she is making, but I can’t help to answer “Florida”.


Hypocrisy is 100x better for them than admitting Biden did something right.

if y’all take this most obvious of edgelord trolling from vic that’s on you.


take alabama AND florida or no deal imho.

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Cuba can have Florida. Canada can have Ohio.

almost worked bud

Should Zelenskyy abdicate and Ukraine submit to Russian rule rather than fight for their freedom? And, if no, then if fighting back is morally permissible, then why is supporting them impermissible?

Not getting invaded and giving up is “perpetuating a war?”

Do you think the political establishment/media would be happy if Russia was doing better/won swiftly? Does this not directly contradict your position?

Don’t have to deflect.