Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Incredible thread.


Makes sense when you have only one tank factory which cant produce because of missing components.

Ok, but I often play f4 without thinking for a second either

a couple of stories that will likely be fleshed out in the next few days. i don’t see many translated sources for these yet.

  • allegedly, a RU tank driver surrendered with the tank, after calling a special ukrainian hotline. the story goes that the rest of tank personnel was dead.

  • belarus keeps trying to mobilize battalions for an invasion, but either Lukashenko is unable to do it, and/or there is sufficient dissent/sabotage to curtail the effort. ukrainian telegram channels are gleeful with at least 15 recorded acts of destroying railroad switches and tracks with the aim to prevent bringing armored equipment to the ukraine border.

  • there is new speculation that Lukashenko might be deposed by one of two generals from the security council/apparatus. both incidentally have ties to russia. this would essentially be a coup by putin to force belarus into the conflict.

  • ukraine has called on belarussian regiments to join ukraine defense if they are sent over the border. since they’d be coming from the same direction as the northern dash for kyiv, it’s basically a futile endeavor through the thickest of european forests. yet proximity of polish border troops must also somehow be a part of the planning.

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Nobody said it was a good plan.

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Just read men as pawns and it makes more sense.

Russia announced that from now on they will only accept rubles as payment for gas deliveries to Europe.

That sounds pretty fucking stupid, no?

Let him show then take him out?

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Putin advisor quit, flees Russia.

The scale of destruction is staggering.

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Gotta say Biden has done a damn good job on this since it exploded.




he was seen withdrawing money at an ATM in istanbul. of course the other russians withdrawing money recognized him.

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I think we may have underestimated how devastating sanctions can be against a modern economy.

In before “sanctions are basically nuclear bombs”, unless we already checked that one off.

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Poland kicking out a bunch of Russian diplomats (aka alleged spies who held jobs at the embassy)

Could be related to the smoke that was seen coming from the embassy a few days ago.