Ukraine, Russia, and the West

It’s two related things.

Water activity- what @bigt2k4 said

Osmotic pressure-it requires energy to maintain a different concentration inside the cell vs outside. Most organism will go into a shutdown or resting mode and not grow, so the sugar is at least bio-static. (No growth). That said, mold will grow on the surface of a thick sugar solution eventually. (Think molasses).

Interestingly, a lower % sugar solution is great for preventing ice crystals during water freezing- it acts as a cryoprotectant during long term cold storage. Today most use glycerol but in the past a sugar solution was common.

So keep solid sugar dry and it will last a very long time.


Not so. These are not huge WWI-style trench complexes, they’re foxholes. US troops would be doing the same thing if they were in a defensive position.

Of course being in a foxhole isn’t going to save you if a drone puts a missile in the foxhole or a shell explodes directly overhead, but each shell or missile will only get a few soldiers rather than everyone.


I watch Georgia restaurant making sweet tea once. Basically fill the pitcher up with sugar and then add water.


These days if someone wants you specifically dead on the battlefield then you are out of luck but if they hit a target next to you then being in a foxhole or trench will protect you from the shockwave and shrapnel and save your life. I was taught to dig foxholes in pairs and not to sleep in or under your vehicle. That was as part of communications and those trucks are prime targets and obvious as shit with their generator and antennas near so you try to dig them in as well to make them less obvious. Lucky for me I was only in the army as a conscript for little more than a year and ended up in the army post office after basic training. Did get to be part of a NATO exercise in Germany though which was pretty interesting to see. Some people that started at the same time as me ended up fighting in Serbia.


trenches are still common during the “cold” part of the conflict, when rockets stop flying. the line of contact between ukraine and DNR/LNR has had many miles of trenches since 2014.

It’s been said before in response to other people, but one of the greatest things about UP are these random knowledge drops from people who are experts in their respective fields. Thanks for the lesson.


Wait, you’re an expert in biochemistry and you’re currently in Eastern Europe on a work assignment? Does it involve biolabs or bats by any chance?


Who know there was a giant fermentation plant that mostly makes antibiotics and enzymes for livestock. They have have excess capacity they partner with other companies to make their products. My client is one of those companies.

I’d rather be in a trench than just up standing around when the Ukrainians drone the major general 50 feet away from me.

I don’t think I ever thought that. I only remember thinking that they’d be doing this to Kyiv by now.

Nifty overview with a whiz bang map that updates as you scroll.


Personally I prefer the screaming matches between people that don’t know what they’re talking about.


The thing people need to realize about China is that the rules that existed for government officials, media and “civil society” at large since the reform era began in the late '70s have been overturned since Xi Jinping came into–and consolidated–power. It’s a government of purges and paranoia. No one wants to say anything unless Xi says it first. What we see from Chinese media will come out muddled for that reason.

The Soviet Union and PRC had a special relationship. It was always tremendously bitter from the Chinese perspective, even before Khruschev and the split, but it was always deeper than any partnership with the west could be.

Given the anti-west, nationalist resurgence in China, it’s absolutely perfect that there’s a conflict that–even falsely–can be labeled as Russia vs The West. Opening up to the west may have made China “rich” but it does almost the opposite of avenging the two centuries of humiliation that is driven into the Chinese psyche. Siding with Russia telling the west they’re going to do what they want and lol at you losers for caring about human rights scratches that itch as much as anything not directly involving China could.


This is all good for Russia on the surface but there’s more to it: Russia may be a made guy but they’ve been away a long time, and maybe no one bothered to tell them, but China doesn’t shine shoes anymore. What you think China’s just going to hand over weaponry?



Huge kudos to the people who volunteered to go relieve their coworkers.


From Ukraine’s Instagram. Apparently Ukraine has become much more tolerant. Someone should send this to all the “US military is too woke” crowds


Yes, I’m sure a Kyiv newspaper discovered plans to poison Putin, and then decided to expose it before it could be carried out.

Putin also knows this can’t be true for that reason. And Kyiv knows Putin knows this. So my guess is this is just a way of messing with Russian leadership, trying to get an idea out there.



So we’re back to dogfights in Europe?