Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Maybe Antifa types should go to Ukraine, learn some stuff while fighting the Russians, and bring that home to use in the US…

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Yup, what I’m seeing on Twitter is a ton of, “If WW3 starts, the libs better go fight it because they voted for this weak guy who let it happen.”

With some, “Well, hey, you mandated vaccines so I can’t go fight it, hope you’re up for it libtard!” mixed in.

Weak Joe Biden allowed this to happen with his weakness.

Speaking of which, Hunter and Joe Biden made billions from Ukraine and there’s obviously something fishy going on.

But if that’s not true, Ukraine was invented by Russia and was always a part of it anyway.

And if you don’t agree with that, then wouldn’t you agree the US would be mad if Russia put military bases in Mexico?

And if that sounds ridiculous, have you heard about the US run biolabs in Ukraine?

And if you can’t accept or believe any of that, fuck you, America First, MAGA 2024.


Republicans really did a piss-poor job articulating what exactly the Hunter-Ukraine scandal is all about. It’s a simple thing but they threw in a “laptop from hell,” crackpipes, and something about emails and it became incomprehensible.

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They do not have the burden of articulating anything.

I think the muddled vagueness is a feature, not a bug.


There’s some ameliorating context I guess and Gourevitch’s translation of “take it” seems chosen more for pejorative effect than accuracy. Putin was talking about the Minsk accords (which he accused the Ukrainians of violating). He says that the Ukrainian government simultaneously claims that they’ll abide by them and that they are destroying the country. Goes on to assert that Zelinsky “does not like a single point about these agreements”. He then effectively says tough shit, “like it or not, endure (or have patience), my beauty. [They] must be fulfilled, it won’t work otherwise”. So the specific context regards Ukraine fulfilling their responsibilities under the accords rather than him raping the country. Even so he does seem to have intentionally lifted the words from a very fucking disturbing song, basically changing the word “sleep” for “endure/patience”.

song comparison

Original Russian

Нравится, не нравится –
терпи, моя красавица

Necrophilia song:
Нравится, не нравится
Спи, моя красавица


Nravitsq, ne nravitsq –
terpi, moq krasavica

Necrophilia song:
Nravitsq, ne nravitsq
Spi, moq krasavica


Like it, don’t like it -
be patient my beauty

Necrophilia song:
Like it, don’t like it -
Sleep my beauty

What the fuck am I doing?

Anyway, here’s a link to the Russian transcript of the relevant press conference. It was not airbrushed out of the Russian one though the English facing site changes the phrase to “like it or lump it you have to fulfill them”.

Relevant part and translation

Что касается Минских соглашений, живы они и имеют ли какую-то перспективу или нет. Я считаю, что другой альтернативы просто нет. Повторяю ещё раз, в Киеве то говорят, что будут соблюдать, то говорят, что это разрушит их страну. Действующий Президент недавно заявил, что ему ни один пункт не нравится из этих Минских соглашений. «Нравится, не нравится – терпи, моя красавица». Надо исполнять. По-другому не получится.

As for the Minsk agreements, are they still alive and do they have any prospects or not. I believe that there is simply no other alternative. I repeat once again, in Kyiv they either say that they will comply, or they say that this will destroy their country. The incumbent recently stated that he does not like a single point of these Minsk agreements. “Like it, don’t like it - be patient (endure), my beauty.” [They] must be fulfilled. It won’t work otherwise.


Especially now. Because now they get to add “The Bidens were profiting from the Ukrainian biolabs,” to the conspiracy. Which will led them add, “Biden’s Ukrainian biolabs invented COVID.”

This American biolabs in Ukraine thing is already hitting the mainstream, by the way. The girl who cuts my hair consumes probably under 5 minutes of news a day and she knows I stay on top of things, so she started asking me about the biolabs.

Hoooooly fuck. I thought it was really, really, really bad. But of course, it’s even worse.

This seems familiar, but I reckon Donnie’s were bigger:

Taken in the context of the two omitted lines which precede the quote in question, I think it’s abundantly obvious what he meant.

Спит красавица в гробу
Я подкрался и ебу
Нравится не нравится
Спи моя красавица


For someone who rails against western culture so much, the setup at Putin’s speech is very Wrestlemania. You half expect to hear glass breaking and see Stone Cold come out with a steel chair

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On the topic of conservative media, Hunter, and Ukraine


This is only true if you only count Ukraine, but not Syria, Georgia, and Chechnya. Russia is way ahead when comparing civilian body counts over the same time period.

Comparing “civilian body counts” doesn’t seem very productive.

The War on Terror was very bad. The current war in Ukraine is very bad.

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it’s supposed to reference that some putinist russian boomers are still denying the attacks on ukrainian cities. even as their children and relatives living in ukraine are calling to confront them.

Worst captcha ever.


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it is sick. although i don’t think putin was referring to ukraine as a corpse, he was definitely emphasizing the rape.

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you can easily count Afghanistan, Armenia/Nagornyj Karabakh conflicts, violent suppression of dissent in the baltics (gorbachev fwiw), and basically everywhere going back to Prague ‘68 and Budapest ‘58.