Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Awful thread describing the current conditions in Mariupol.

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I’ve seen this line pointed out a few places. Could there be missing context that makes Putin a less sick fuck than he appears?

Like sure you say some crazy shit when you’re trying to intimidate somebody but nobody is really that off the wall nuts.

Unless they are a bona fide homicidal psychopath, I guess.

Running out of deputies.

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Billboard in Lviv: “I’m not your beauty!”


Like 999,999,999 times out of a billion I would disprove of an image like that, but this is the one I’m ok with.

Спит красавица в гробу
Я подкрался и ебу
Нравится не нравится
Спи моя красавица

translates along the lines of

My darling is in a coffin
I got on top and I’m fucking her.
Like it or don’t like it,
It’s your duty, my beauty.

He said “less” of a sick fuck.


I only know about this because a Russian acquaintance posted this on FB at the time:

What a stupid fucking world we live in. We really are all fucked if this is really the best we can do leadership wise.


42 posts were merged into an existing topic: Potential outcomes of Russian invasion of Ukraine discussion (WWIII/nukes?)

The conservative view of the conflict from people I know is 100% the “if Russia started building up defense systems on the Mexican border we would be pretty concerned too” line. A little bit of Maidan Revolution illegitimacy too.

Where do we think the mainstream republican position on the conflict lands? “Beautiful people on both sides,” need to stop sanctioning Russia/military aid to Ukraine?

Trump also had an anti-NATO bent for a while that didn’t really catch on.

Trump’s anti-NATO views were/are entirely driven by his instinctive desire to not pay bills. His rants about NATO were all based on WHY DO WE GOTTA PAY ALL THIS MONEY WHY DON’T THOSE EUROS PAY FOR IT THEMSELVES AMERICA FIRST! He was/is utterly incapable of understanding the geopolitical implications of a weak NATO. He’s too stupid and short sighted.


I think they will just land on “weak Joe Biden allowed this to happen with his weakness” and stop at that. Conservative brain does not require or even seek out a policy consistent with its incessant yammering, as long as there is a lib villain its mission accomplished.


I think they’re going to keep coming around to “maybe Putin isn’t all that bad”. If the Liberals say Putin is bad, it’s a HUGE effort for them not to respond with a forceful assertion that ACTUALLY Putin is good. Did Putin ever call you a racist? Checkmake libtards.

It’s going to be a two-track thing. As Riverman notes, they’re going to blame everything they can on Biden, but they’re also going to try to paint Putin as a bad guy who is nevertheless being punished unfairly by cancel culture and pivot to typical drivel about cancel culture while claiming that people are actually more free in Russia than the United States because they don’t have to accept athletes competing under their gender identity rather than their gender assigned at birth.


Putin actually said something about the decadent west and their gender freedoms in his unhinged Stalin-esque speech about scum and traitors and national cleansing earlier this week.

Some great right wing lunacy.


Does Putin want to let trans people into your daughter’s bathroom?

I’m actually surprised that my mother is so pro-Ukraine despite being a total deplorable otherwise.