Ukraine, Russia, and the West

There’s already a large community of Ukrainians in Poland. It won’t be anything new.

candace is like on a whole new level of “are we the baddies?” meme

I was just playing poker with a Russian who had strong opinions on what is going on. She spent her childhood summer in Donbas because her mother was front there. She was strongly in favor of Donbas being part of Russia and approves of what Putin is doing.

Another player was an American who had strong opinions based on what he learned from his Hungarian wife, who pays attention to the Hungarian media and what people back home say. He believes that the western media is not reporting that Ukraine is doing a lot of bombings in violation of a treaty in order to do ethnic cleansing.

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Orban and Putin are ardent allies after all and Hungary aren’t really threatened (yet). I think my parents would be like this if not for Poland bordering Russia. They loved Putin prior to this and thought the media gave him a bad shake.

So which side was he on?

What is this really about - why do I hate Putin so much?

Has Putin ever called me a racist?
Has he threatened to get me fired for disagreeing with him?
Has he shipped every middle class job in my town to Russia?
Did he manufacture a world-wide pandenmic that wrecked my business and kept me indoors for 2 years?
Is he teaching my children to embrace racial discrimination?
Is he making fentanyl?
Is he trying to snuff out Christianity?
Does he eat dogs?

These are fair questions and the answer to all of them is no - Vladimir Putin didn’t do any of that.

So many questions. Sorry I mean so many fair questions.

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He was also pro-Russian.

In the last 22 years. How many international borders have been changed by force?

I’m getting confused again. Does Tucker think Biden’s response is too weak or not weak enough?

we mustn’t place the underprivileged with jobs in the opinion columnist sector of the economy

“Does he eat dogs? These are fair questions.”

That’s an epic pair of back-to-back sentences right there.

man you’d think anyone from poland would hate russia but some people just love all mafia leaders

The US Naval Institute is reliable, right? Albeit perhaps with a pro-military spin?

Yeah I mean exactly. My parents also love Trump.

Their dogs are bad ass tho:


Starting off with “has he ever called me racist?” and ending with “Does he eat dogs?” is just chef’s kiss

I wonder if Tucker is aware that Beijing is more or less on Putin’s side in all of this. What a pity that covid nationalism has delayed Tucker’s inevitable realization that Xi Jinping isn’t forcing CRT on our children

well I can report that my friend who left Ukraine in the 80s after getting asylum is rates Putin 0/10

Shout out to Belgium for their amazing efforts in WW1. Their obstinance (spellcheck?) in the face of Germany’s tactics and numbers was truly impressive.

Wait, lol, that’s not a fake?!