Ukraine, Russia, and the West

what’s amazing is the short description is “former candidate for president”, not former first lady, or former secretary of state. trollolol

when russia disses, it burns.

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My thoughts too. Seems crazy risky and a bit of a dare to Russia.

Biden must be so sad that he’s lost his opportunity to invest in Trump Tower Moscow.

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Pretty sure if Putin is going to goad nato into war it’s not going to be over a single errant drone that crossed into Poland.

Three have crossed over into NATO countries, two have crashed, and one that crashed was carrying a bomb that luckily did not explode.

Who are 12 & 13?

Hero Russian reporter that put the no war sign up only got a $300 fine.

Thank God no prison sentence.

Could this mean Putin is scared of a revolt?

Maybe it will become a a Republican talking point that Biden is too much of a coward to do the same thing. Then, Trump can take it upon himself to visit Kyiv and show how much braver he is…

I’m not sure of that at all. Deliberately overstepping a red line with a seemingly mundane overstep is a pretty straightforward strategy for escalating a conflict, or forcing the other side’s hand.

The endgame is debatable—simply demonstrating that he can make incursions on NATO and they won’t respond could have strategic value to him. After that, it’s all a matter of degrees.

newest arestovich interview is a dump of unverified claims, but jfc.

  • 8 generals in total are killed. before we heard about 3, and there’s a new picture of a dead body with general-major epaulettes. /shrug probably way too high to be believable

  • cast doubt on the IL-76 downing. he said he himself had not seen pieces of an IL to confirm the downing, and doesn’t believe it himself until then.

  • at least 700 captured.

  • a captured DNR “soldier” tells that in the assault on Kharkiv, the russian army first sent in ~2k persons battalion which were mobilized population from DNR. not even conscripts. no training, no leadership, just uniforms. allegedly out of 2k, about 20 returned back. just horrific if even remotely true. and may somewhat explain for the difference between US intelligence death estimates and that of VSU. may or may not be a part of the original 200k invasion force.

you must not be familiar with the russian system of jurisprudence. unfortunately it isn’t done with the woman.

But they did respond. They shot it down. Turkish F-16s shot down a Russian bomber that strayed from Syria a while back. These things happen. Violate airspace, get shot down. They rarely escalate beyond that. I’m not saying this war won’t escalate and drag NATO into it, I just don’t think it will be from the occasional airspace violations and Polish or other NATO responses to them.

Once Russia actually starts intentionally dropping ordnance in a NATO country, now we’ve entered uncharted territory.

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Adewale Adeyemo and Rita Jo Lewis.

4d chess obviously

No they didn’t. It was shot down by Ukraine once it crossed back into their airspace.

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All the Lols in the world at us for being “allied” with SA after 9/11.


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