Ukraine, Russia, and the West

My god, You’re awful. When it comes to hating repubs and/or such you(we) are great, but your takes on this war are absolute bullshit, mostly.

I think all the people west of Poland shouldn’t be relied on as pundits innit, and should shut the fuck up, nevertheless. It’s hard when you’re right about everything, I know, but illusions and delusions are running wild itt. Forces to you calibroes thoe, I lost a mate today.

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talks are absolutely useless right now, except for establishment of green corridors. which btw russia is still firing at. more special operation crimes.

the next useful thing from the talks might be the exchange of captured soldiers. it’s not clear how many VSU soldiers are in russian custody. but local officials in occupied towns are definitely a part of any prisoner swap.

finally, Kuleba and Arestovich are both part of negotiating team. They have both said that russian side started talks with very stern demands, making the first few rounds virtually useless on a ceasefire.

but they have also reported that russian side noticeably lowered their asks already, and the general tone also changed. almost like they know they will need to take virtually anything that ukraine gives up, which at this time doesn’t look like much.

Wut? Are you referring to the thread/UP or some source? I’m genuinely confused to what you are referring sorry. Also thread seems full of contrasting viewpoints (like polar opposite ones).

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That’s just a plain statement. People running around with their Marsheimeheimeheimer shit whom absolutely no one has care abouted. It must be “great” to live in a country that’ll never be attacked. Seems like old heuristic of “canadians” and people with M A N in their nicks’ is all I need.

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Not sure if that last one should be filed as wishful thinking.

Is Rubio just tweeting out the briefings he is getting?

That seems to be the case. He’s been doing it since I think the second night of the invasion.

he tweeted out the zelensky meeting picture of him on zoom so yes, he’s dumber than a box of rocks, vice chairman of senate intelligence

holy fuck we’re doomed

Think of how bad the rest of the GOP field is for Little Marco to get that slot.

“Hello fellow CIA agent. Hey you know how we have to build those secret bioweapons labs?”

“The 25 or so labs we’re going to divide our super-secret and dangerous pathogen research between?”

“Right, those ones. Where do you think we should put them?”

“How about Nevada? That’s where we usually put our evil villain labs, plus it’s sparsely populated and is a hostile environment for pathogens to survive in, should they escape”

“I’m sick of Nevada. Honestly, once you’ve been to Vegas a few times it gets old. Anywhere else we could go with?”

“Hmmm. I know, how about Ukraine, right near the Russian border?”

“That sounds perfect. See you at Comet Ping Pong Pizza for lunch.”


Totally insane. That’s 5% of the invading army killed in 3 weeks. The Allies lost 6% killed during the entire Battle of the Somme (which lasted almost 5 months).

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Some reports of cruise missile strikes in downtown Kyiv. Supposedly the Russians had been holding back on using these. It could be they’re going directly after Zelensky or local government. What other target would be worth it? It’s not like they’re generally trying to avoid collateral damage.

He’s not dumb, he’s a selfish fuck who’s trying to brand himself as a foreign policy expert for a future presidential run. If that means selling out Zelensky, oh well.

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Dude, you can’t test delivering pathogens that are genetically engineered to only infect Russians via migratory birds in Nevada. The birds wouldn’t know which way to fly when you shipped them to Ukraine.

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Yeah supposedly there’s a morale tipping point at 15% or so where the whole thing just falls apart, unless you’re defending your homeland. And morale was already super low.

Imagine the morale on Russian pilots right now. They’re risking WWII-level shoot down rates to drop bombs on babushkas in apartment buildings.

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Also reports the Russians have a new decoy radar jammer rocket they’re sending in with the cruise missiles to give them a better chance of not being shot down.

EXTREME Sanctions Package, now with even more zest! Oh yeeeeaaahhhh!!!


I think the decoys are part of one of their ballistic missile systems, not cruise missiles.

Edit: this missile is potentially about as accurate as a cruise missile. I don’t know if they’d be concerned about conserving these. They probably wouldn’t be cheaper.

Thanks for your updates btw.

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Fucking cowards.

You can protect your stupid rating system. Just tag them as different somehow.