Ukraine, Russia, and the West

When they get to Toledo they’ll ask to be sent back to the war zone.


None of the above. It’s because the US has an extremely slow immigration process even for refugees.

The Syrian example is illuminating, where it took years and years of war to get beyond a few hundred refugees.

Needs a tweak to make it clearer Biden might as well have pulled the trigger. Also how many more innocents must die.

That’s awesome, but she’s going to spend the next decade in a Siberian gulag for it.

don’t know if this thread about the ukrainian biolabs has been posted here, but it addresses more of the russian biolab propaganda rather than Nuland’s stumbling answer:

one link version:

twitter version:

bottom line:

4a. It all means that a pure microbiological laboratory was engaged in standard cleaning.

CONCLUSION: The statements distributed by RIA, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, etc. are unsubstantiated anti-scientific bullshit.


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Yeah I understand a lot of nouns (as a Polish speaker) and so I can kind of put together a lot of sentences in Ukrainian through guess work. My mother speaks Russian due to growing up in city during Communism, my father (rural) doesn’t. I’d imagine Ukrainians wouldn’t have huge difficulty in Poland.

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It’s not a good conspiracy theory if it can be explained in under an hour.


Putin hates semiconductors.

Yeah I read Glenn’s piece before. But it wasn’t super helpful. Twitter bots are in every mention screaming “Nuland admitted it!”. But kind of annoyingly the pieces like the one on the origins of the biolabs nonsense don’t even address what Nuland did or didn’t admit. Seems like nobody really knows at this point?

One of these secret US bio labs appears to be in Crimea…

I think it’s obvious from a right winger perspective. Certain words evoke much more than they are and ‘biolabs’ is one of them. So from a right wing nutjob perspective Rubio and Nuland were going to do a song and dance where Rubio asks her if there are biolabs, that is, facilities that create biological weapons, and she was supposed to say no…but then she slipped up! She couldn’t keep back the lie and said there were! Well in reality she said there were facilities, but facilities = labs = biolabs = biolological weapons facilities and boom the Bilderberg Trilateral New World Order just admitted that they were creating bioweapons to use on Russia TO KILL THE GOOD CHRISITAN COUNTRY AND TO TURN THEIR FROGS GAY AND THE TRILATERIAL COMMISSION WAS USING NEONAZIS IN UKRAINE TO DO IT! Alex Jones Scream

This gets laundered by Fox News and Gleenwald to just be asking questions about what kinds of facilities they were, why are they trying to cover it up? What don’t the liberal elites want you to know? Why is the US so intent on helping Ukraine and vilify Russia? They won’t reach a reporting conclusion to those answers, because the answers would be mundane, are already known, and wouldn’t give a nice wink wink nod nod.


Lol reading Greenwald


Yeah I know - I’d just like a quick come back to what Nuland “admitted to” on twitter. I think another post gave me that.

Further depressing note. Unsurprising.

russia blocked WSJ for disseminating fakes about the special operation. lol.

also many different regions and stores are reportedly limiting amount of sugar, grain, and salt people can buy per trip. welcome to soviet hell. dissidents are undoubtedly happy they got the f out.

Jenn Budd is a great follow if you’re interested in the happenings with CBP at our border here in San Diego. She’s a former CBP agent that became basically a whistleblower and activist. Here’s a thread, but her whole feed is very informative.

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What it’s like under Russian occupation