Ukraine, Russia, and the West

I keep seeing this from blue checkmarks. Hopefully it’s not just a widespread rumor.

New Russian commander: I order you to start marching to Ukraine. (brandishes gun)

Belarusian infantry unit: You have one gun, we have 100.

Sanctions to have to be blanket. Exceptions can and should be applied.

NATO getting in on the pre-bunking act now too.

I’ll take the Ford.

That’s not a Ford, it’s a race car.

Have you ever driven a Ford? Punch the gas: silence… rrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRMMMMMM aaaaand car finally goes. GM and Chrysler are only slightly better.

Sticks might not be as bad. But something about the transmissions of American cars - they bog down like crazy when you hit the gas.

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Tweet deleted. But I’ve seen it elsewhere so I don’t think it’s sensitive.

I read eight missiles. So this attack to send a message to Poland cost $10M?

Rot in hell lady.

I am aware that is not a typical passenger vehicle, I have in fact driven a Ford, and that was not a serious comment.

I am a bit drunj


I think about the free speech vs. the power of propaganda about 50 times a day lately.

I mean we could make a law banning subversive speech. But it would take about 5 minutes for that to be weaponized for political purposes. That’s the burden of the openness. We have to let the chips fall where they may and have faith that truth wins out over the long arc of civilization.

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Not exactly incentivizing other cities like Mariupol and Kharkiv to just lie back and accept surrender.

Here’s a Chrysler that begs to differ with your assessment:


Well again - the alternative is to make laws banning subversive speech, knowing damn good and well they will be instantly weaponized against political opponents for saying stuff like Trump should be impeached, and then backed up by our awesome 6-3 SCOTUS.

I bet it still bogs down for 1/2 second when you punch the gas (and then gives you whiplash when it kicks in).

A very realistic-sounding twitter thread (you have to translate). Not good for Mariupol and the reports that the siege may have been broken, but good for Kyiv - Russians seem to be still a long way from encircling or reasonably attacking Kyiv.

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