Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Big thank you to the mods, this thread is useful again.


Russia sent a kamikaze drone into Kyiv, carrying explosives and metal balls that would become shrapnel. It was supposed to crash and explode on the streets.

Well, they got it half right.

The former Republican congressman and three-time presidential candidate Ron Paul has launched a scathing attack on what he calls a US-backed coup in Ukraine, insisting the Crimean people have the right to align their territory with Moscow and characterising sanctions against Russia as “an act of war”.

He also said providing economic aid to Ukraine was comparable to giving support to rebels in Syria knowing it would end up in the hands of al-Qaida.

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Long read. Russian author on the helplessness of being in the russian state.

Can facebook shut whatsapp down in Russia?

Seems logical that if Russians need a western technology, shut it down.

Andriy Dubchak / Getty Images - An elderly woman is helped as Ukrainians cross an improvised path along a destroyed bridge to flee the city of Irpin on Tuesday.


Seems like the ground forces are stalling. Next up, gassing.

I still feel like not nearly enough attention is being given to the GOP being a wholly owned subsidiary of Putin for the last 6 years. This shit is why Trump was impeached and they all voted to protect him. Paul Manafort worked as his campaign manager for free and got convicted for Ukraine shit! The NRA was completely infiltrated by a Russian spy! And on and on and on.


But they owned the Libs.


remember when that was a redline in syria?

do we think it’s a redline in ukraine?

No one in a position to do so wants to look too closely at the trail of Russian money.

You follow drugs, you get drug addicts and drug dealers. But you start to follow the money, and you don’t know where the f*** it’s gonna take you.


Thiel bot candidate getting his marching orders

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you are thinking of WeChat

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Not sure you’re the best judge of reality lol.


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I actually think the Republican base being swayed and driven by a lot of Russian propaganda on Facebook is at least as significant as the direct ties that some of the Republican party leaders and their advisors have to Russia. Tons of their worst instincts on race and vaccines and election rights and all the other obviously stupid ideas they have are very obviously egged on by trolls and bots on the internet. And some of those people are now making it into Congress.


Ummm, wasn’t Russia heavily funding Republicans through the NRA?

That’s in addition to all their more covert methods of influencing the party mentioned above. There’s also probably a lot of kompromat with some members too.

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Correct that it’s not ownership, it’s the Trump wing of the R party being in ideological alignment with Putin and thus helping Putin and vice versa. It is helpful to note the distinction but the truth is still pretty sick.

The reaction to Putin getting ready to invade Ukraine was that we should stop worrying about that and instead get ready to invade Mexico. Complete insanity and thuggery.

There was a day or two when the images and shock of the Ukrainian slaughter was so disturbing that they condemned Putin but then they quickly moved on to helping Putin establish a WMD rationale for the invasion.

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I think this is right. I don’t think it’s the Rs were bought and felt they had to help Russia, just that they agreed on certain talking points. Similarly I don’t think Russia was helping Rs/Trump because they thought the Rs would owe them, but because it made the US weaker and more destabilized.

For instance - I don’t think Trump cared that withholding weapons from Ukraine would help Russia - he just cared about hurting Biden and weapons was the only leverage he had.