Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Sources say that oil embargo announcement coming today

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Just US or Europe too?

There was never a deal for Crimea. There’s been an active war in Donbas for the last 8 years. If they withdraw to Russian-friendly areas with no deal it’s just status quo ante except now they have more of Ukraine. And instead of proxies they’ll have Russian soldiers manning the trenches.

so far ive only seen a biden announcement. scheduled for 10:45 ET

This is pretty close to meaningless beyond the symbolism. Like 1% of Russian oil goes to the US.

It still has an effect and reduces competition so other producers may rise prices a little even more.
Europe would have a huge impact if they stopped buying Russian oil, but I don’t know if they could function without it.

Maybe it signals that the rest of the world will eventually follow suit.

Yeah but Americans are crack addicts when it comes to fossil fuels.

Oh yeah I’m 100% mentally prepared for 2024 when every republican acts exactly like this if Trump rigs the vote and overturns the election results.

Someone will tell me that overthrowing rigged elections is our patriotic duty enshrined in the constitution

Another person will tell me that in 1968 Nancy Pelosi threw out 500 votes in a SF School Board election, and if I really cared about voter fraud I would call her out too

My mom will tell me that she heard millions of undocumented immigrants voted and that Trump is just trying to stop them from silencing her

My rich friends will be telling me that all this confusion is bad for the stock market, and they want LAW AND ORDER to help restore peace

Its a mortal lock to happen because its already happening with every issue lol

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this is misleading. 7% of russian oil was bought by US interests.

There was never a deal in Crimea, but there was also never active fighting. Pre-war, Ukraine was trying to avoid provoking a full-scale conflict. Now that the full scale war is here, that deterrent doesn’t seem very effective any more. Also, Russia didn’t have to defend its entire border (and Belarus’s) pre-war. Now they will.

As we have seen with America’s adventures in the Middle East, it is problematic to fight wars without concrete goals. With rhetoric about denazification and claims of genocide, Putin has backed himself into a corner where anything less than regime change should be considered a spectacular failure within the narrative he has woven unless he admits he was lying, which has problems of its own.

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Americans are crack addicts when it comes to paying for things cheaply. They’ll jump off fossil fuels when today’s price tag for alternatives is lower, but they’ll fail the marshmallow test if the alternative has higher up-front costs with savings not being realized until several years down the road.


OK, the war doesn’t end. How much offensive capability does Ukraine have to attack consolidated Russian gains? Probably not much. Are the Ukrainians going to stage cross-border raids in Belarus and Russia? Maybe, and maybe they blow up some vehicles and kill some Russians. But how much would that hurt the Russians? If they’re anything like Americans they’ll frame it as Ukrainian terrorist extremists attacking the homeland and it might rally support for the conflict.

This is Putins “Chernobyl” where he blows all his countries money and within a few years he gets ousted.

Regime change in Russia = another crocodile emerges from the swamp to take the place of the previous crocodile. That’s how it has been for the last 100 years in Russia.

USSR collapsed in 1991 and from that regime change we got Putin.

Russia is rotten to the core.

In before UsA = RuSsIa.

Suppose it’s too much to ask to get a Yeltsin type who is a massively corrupt drunk and basically Putin without the bloodthirst and extreme narcissism. found the woman who knocked down a Russian drone with a jar of pickled tomatoes.

Sorry but the only Ukrainian news sources I trust are and

Edit: i have no idea where those links actually go, don’t click on them.


I’ll do it, Comrade!

I did take this from memory but oddly if you look there are all kinds of numbers reported.

This one confirms my 1% understanding.

I do see other numbers reported too though.