Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Just saw video interview of a quite young Ukrainian refugee girl rocking the DT 770s. Because that’s how they do shit in Ukraine.

Some of the ads you see on Fox News are handled locally by the cable company. Don’t think Fox has any input into those decisions. Common for people to buy issue ads in the DC market.

Made it to Bulgaria no problem. Nothing to report regarding Ukraine. Basically landed in Bucharest and then the company had a car bring us to the hotel in central Bulgaria.

The “old” parts of the two countries is just what an American thinks of the eastern bloc. All of these big gray concrete apartment buildings looking in pretty bad shape. Bucharest had a lot of new mixed in. There are lots of modern car dealerships.

Hopefully it stays this quiet here for the next two weeks.


At some point there have to be consequences for blatant lying. Can the UN not even police their own members?




Cool thread:


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I would not want to be driving a Russian fuel tanker in Ukraine right now.

I’m sure others have suggested this but what are the odds that Kyiv and Kharkiv are just diversions and the real goal is the southern coastal border? If the Russians get the Donbas and the whole coast up to Moldova, that’s a pretty great score.

Ukraine will never accept that. They’d be facing constant resistance internally and on their Northern border.

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I’m not talking about Ukraine ‘accepting’ it. I’m talking about Russia just taking it. It seems like they’re doing a whole lot better down south than in and around Kyiv.

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I think that’s what they’ll seize and withdraw to and then negotiate for Donbas, recognition of Crimea, and water for Crimea.

They’d have to occupy a ton of land under constant fire from an infinitely replenished weapon supply. If they pull out their forces in the North and East, then Ukraine can fully focus on the South. If they don’t pull those forces, they don’t have early enough to occupy.

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I don’t even know that they’ll seize. I think you’re right about their negotiating position, but it’s not a strong position if they are still up to their ass in military, economic, and diplomatic shit in a week. They probably demand zelenaky goes as well. Good luck with that.

The current Russian bargaining position is Zelenskyy remains as a figurehead with a Prime Minister appointed by the Kremlin and the Ukrainian Army limited to 60k soldiers.

I think many of these points have been made in previous links, but people have asked questions which suggest it’s useful to post this.

no, they’re just morons. The plan was to take kyiv and take out the gov’t already. Everything they’re gaining is simply by sheer numbers

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what that happens let me know cause I’d like to see it happen for once

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