Ukraine, Russia, and the West

for awhile you guys had zara

Does this mean we can get another Bolshevik revolution in Russia?

Don’t call it a war, can’t say Russia is losing, here are your instructions to disconnect the internet.

Netflix is gone, torrent sites would be unreachable, and online gaming would be impossible?

this is a great teachable moment, and a time to reflect how russia got where it is today, and a chance to stop short of those things. i’m talking about closing off independent journalism, creation of police state.

Is Pornhub still accessible in Russia?

lol no. neither is onlyfans. unemployment is going to go through the roof.

the funniest thing about this is that the is an immediately viable black market on starlink stations in russia.

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This guy was the foreign minister of Russia in the late 90s.

Oh god, Russian camgirls are going to go completely broke.

they are going to have to start working for rubles, on a platform owned by putin’s chef or something. imagine that.

Pornhub sucks now anyway

Have any poker sites blocked Russia yet?

I really don’t get how Putin hasn’t found a way to bail on this shitshow. Nothing good is going to happen for him.

I would have assumed that they were all crypto. Does crypto not work in Russia either?

Nice I’ll start grinding NL10 again ftlolz if that happens.

I’ve found it weird playing midstakes PLO of late and russian/Ukrainian players who are giant losers just keep grinding.

Like, I get it if you’re a pro. But if you’re just dumping, seems like a good time for a break.

I used to get in the same argument with my friends in the late 80s.

“Our freedom is all a lie. The US is just as repressive as Russia’” is just too seductive. No one on the left wants to get out-flanked from the left.

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Um, just to be clear, which side of that argument were you on?

The same one I’m on now. Yeah the US sucks, but come on guys.

Just checking. Who knows what a teenage suzzer was like?

Can the Kremlin censor Starlink?