Ukraine, Russia, and the West

I’m amazed he had a map of the world with no writing handy. Maybe he’s pulled this trick before.

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Yeah, but if the guys at the YMCA guys start getting shown up, they don’t have the option to nuke the whole building and take the Warriors down with them.

I think the real issues is that once NATO troops start attacking Russian troops, then it’s no longer strictly true that NATO is a defensive pact that isn’t a threat to Russia itself, only to making its imperial ambitions a reality. Instead, then it makes Putin’s propaganda on the subject true: NATO is an existential threat to Russia itself. That threatens to immediately escalate to nukes on the battlefield targeted at NATO troops, and then a nuclear holocaust.

Yeah, they can burn the building down. But Russia can’t win a traditional war vs any half organized nation.

I mean … I’d be shocked if the conflict in Ukraine is changing the daily lives or causing any worry among anywhere near a majority of Americans. Certainly isn’t for Australians (although I would say that our country is in significantly less danger than USA geographically).

There are printable ones that are used for teaching kids that you can find on google in 10s. I’ve printed some myself for my kids.

Gas prices are way up here, and people are trying to fill up all they can before prices go even higher. Word is out as to why.

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they can rally around getting kicked in the nuts by NATo

True true. I guess I meant thinking about the actual populace.

Well if you define caring as “changing our daily lives” then no. But people are definitely posting about it and talking about it. I meant caring about the Ukrainian people, not being afraid for our own safety. Also it’s had a big impact on shutting up the pro-Putin crowd, at least for now.

My Dad is a complete wreck about it, as am I. And it’s not because we’re afraid for our own personal safety.

I guess I don’t know what you mean by “actual populace,” because I include the swarm of people jamming my local Costco gas station this morning in them as being actual populace that is affected, making changes, and worrying, although granted, they’re not (most of them) worried about getting nuked, just paying more for things for a while.

I’m still amazed if someone on Pompeo’s staff figured that out quickly.

I’d assumed that’s what you meant. I mean maybe I’m just being my usual glib cynic. I think building a global perspective on the suffering of peoples is very positive. Many focus too often in their backyard, especially when everything is so interconnected.

Sorry, actual Ukrainian populace. That was very unclear I apologise.**

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Fucking self-absorbed dumbass motherfuckers.


It’s like Worldle before Worldle.

In the spirit of Tucker I’d like to ask some questions. Could Marco Rubio actually be a mole? One who’s smart enough not to give the game away with stupid pro-Putin rhetoric? Maybe they have some nuclear kompromat on him?

Why are we not allowed to ask these questions? Who’s behind stopping us from asking these questions? Why am I not allowed to ask that?



This article is incredibly prescient. Basically called everything perfectly.

Florida Man has a cunning plan: