Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Does Putin always sound this unhinged though? I mean even if he was right about everything he said, the only emotion being stirred up is confusion.

To me, he always came off as the guy Donald Trump wanted to be but never had the ability to become.

Dunno. Same guy:

So, how long until it happens? Days? Hours? Minutes?

in the scenario where russian troops are moving into donbass, i don’t think ukraine ultimately tries to bomb them. they have so far resisted firing in response to shelling. although when they come close to donbass-ukraine border, i wonder if any javelins will be launched as a test of capabilities and boundaries. but i think sanctions for that follow, as it’s a clear violation of minsk terms.

speaking of minsk, belarus-russia drills have completed, but russia hasn’t brought back troops yet. who could have seen this coming, right? it would be hilarious if in the process of threatening ukraine, putin inadvertently annexed belarus.




Putins speech, in russias view, applies to basically every state east of Germany. It’s extremely disturbing

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No it doesn’t. Not every state east of Germany was part of the USSR.

That’s not the criteria Putin was using.

Gulp. Guess who is going to Bulgaria in March?

Other than you, probably the Bundeswehr.

It’s not pleasant seeing Putin say the kind of stuff the US says to justify bullshit invasions, except about Romania and Poland. Like, that’s the kind of talk that can set the world on a course for WW3.

This combined with forces building up in Belarus and the relationship between Putin and Lukashenko seemingly warming is not a good sign for the overall situation in Eastern Europe.

How long before we’re talking seriously about whether NATO will live up to Article 5 for the Baltic States when they are bordered on all land sides by Russia/Belarus? Like, the Russian army can essentially surround them on three sides without committing an act of war against them.

Oh and by the way if the shit really hits the fan here and we start talking worst case scenarios, it’s probably not going to be pleasant for Taiwan, either.


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Lithuania borders Poland.

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Which is what I meant earlier when I posted not every country east of Germany was part of the Soviet Union.

No doubt reconstruction of the empire is the endgame. Probably won’t get there without starting World War 3 though and I ain’t looking forward to that.

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Ah, missed that, for some reason I thought I saw the Kaliningrad Oblast extending across there.