Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Gun laws have nothing to do with this. It’s been explained why the analogy is not applicable, let’s not beat the dead horse?

Suicides outnumber homicides, yes. Also, Mutually Assured Destruction is not a thing w.r.t. firearms.

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Also handy in combating hurricanes.


Lol with no context I guessed this pearl of wisdom came from Trump.


Seems bad.

gee i didn’t mean it in a clinical sense, but more like “social media brajn”.

still there’s no fury quite like a russian disrespected. the hypothetical russian population that you think cares about ukrainian membership in nato is a very very low percentage. far more care that their pensions haven’t been adjusted for inflation. which as you know isn’t the west’s fault. they certainly don’t want any war, yet the propaganda is blaring that the west is at their borders ready to invade (they are not).

yet you easily ascribe that ukrainians don’t actually want to be involved in the defense of their country at all, or die for independence. even though about 5,000 of them died since 2014 in the donbass conflict, and in general

i think it’s getting to the point that putin’s only possible play is to bring troops into donbass, and essentially annex them. the calculus being that if they keep that status quo for 10 more years, it will get more difficult to go back to ukraine. seems that the next generation of ukrainian politicians will have a choice of whether to continue fighting for those territories or simply join nato/eu and forego conflict.

Nah, that seems like the best way for Putin to save face without invading. It’s not like Ukraine will do anything different than they did about Crimea.

Not sure about this. There’s no diplomatic settlement that involves Donbas seceding, so this seems to make war all but inevitable.

i think if dnr/lnr are occupied, sanctions are inevitable, but tanks are not.

The whole thread is the meeting

I hope you’re right, but if Ukraine is never going to accept this (which seems likely to me, maybe you have a different take), why wouldn’t Russia attack preemptively rather than giving Ukraine time to beef up its defenses in preparation for trying to reoccupy the territory later? They would look bad, but do they care?

lol Putin is looking to rebuild the USSR. It was never about NATO.

Good luck rest of former Soviet Union!

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Feels like a Trumpian rant only there might be more than bluster behind this.

Doesn’t look like there’s a teleprompter

If his translations are accurate this is super bad. He’s still tweeting as I write this, too.


Any chance one of you Russian speakers can listen to some of what Vlad’s been saying and let us know if this Max guy is accurately representing it?

Translator to English


Through the translation, his rhetoric sounds almost identical to Donald Trump

lawl I read this and thought, wow, the whole ‘here’s something I never said before’, that’s a rhetorical trick that Trump would do.