Ukraine, Russia, and the West

What do these countries do with seized yachts? They turn around and sell them? Or hold on to them, and pay the carrying costs until and if sanctions are lifted?

Interesting given they share no land borders (I mean I guess Cyprus doesn’t) you’d wonder how much it appeals from an economic perspective (as opposed to security).

I feel like seizing a yacht is a bad idea, the upkeep is so expensive it’s already stealing money away from the owner.
Why don’t we seize all the debts of these billionaires while we’re at it.


Give them a year or two to regroup.

From one of Z’s economic advisors:

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Anyone know what’s up with Eritrea?

On 2nd thought we should force them to buy more yachts


It’s a mega dictatorship, like one of the least free places on earth so I imagine solidarity with their Russian kin.

War criminals sticking together.

I think the more likely outcome would be Russians hating the west and NATO even more. Severely punishing the common people seems like a terrible idea to me and I think the brunt of any sanctions should be felt by the oligarchs. They’re the ones who are (maybe) in a position to overthrow Putin.

There’s no way to punish the oligarchs and spare the common people.

Well, unless you plan on assassinating them (and their families). Which I am fine with being on the table.

Sad as it is, I feel like to get rid of Putin you have to punish the regular people like … really badly. I hope if/when Putin is removed that countries will trade with Russia again.

one requirement of nato membership is the country cannot have ongoing territorial disputes. because noone is entering to fight for them.

it’s actually somewhat a dilemma, although ukraine MPs have stressed that they want to return donbass and crimea via diplomatic and political means. probably means displaced residents have a chance to return to the territories and pursue some sort of legal amendment.

when russia’s governing apparatus crumbles, i can see it happen. fun fact: Krasnodar region is ethnically very close to ukraine, so much so that they even speak the language

Hey America is really bad at changing regimes and building nations and we def shouldn’t be doing that with a nuclear power.


this isn’t quite true as one dude’s selling all his shit to get ahead of it

1 for 1 on euro countries though

You don’t keep seized yachts forever, you sell them. A woman in Illinois funded her competitive show horse hobby by embezzling a town dry. The Feds seized the horses, paid someone to care for them for a while, then sold them.

The reason yacht seizures are popular in the West is taking them doesn’t hurt common Russians, though a few westerners will lose jobs.

Report: Romanian MiG-21 Lancer, flown by a VSU pilot on a patrol mission disappeared from radar 13 minutes in. apparently it may have been bad weather and unfamiliar aircraft.

don’t fuck around with fighter jets kids.