Ukraine, Russia, and the West

One thing I’m constantly surprised by is how people like Putin can still get people to follow out their orders as they more and more depraved. Like, who is making these arrests? Wtf is going through their minds when they are told yeah, these dudes are bad now, never mind we have been working together for years and they are among our most trusted leaders, throw them in prison.

I wonder if Putin could just put all the blame on them and call everything off 1984-style? Like they misinformed him about the neo-nazis?

russian language has a word for them “опричники”. it’s funny, they only come up in history around revolutionary times (both successful and unsuccessful)

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46 posts were split to a new topic: Geopolitical Strategy

I was disappointed in his response for like 24-48 hours of this entire thing, other than that I think he’s done very well.


I think Biden has probably done a good job of dragging the rest of NATO and the world into unity on sanctions. We’ll see what happens when it comes to applying sanctions to oil and gas, though.

A no-fly zone isn’t happening. Nothing that involves NATO directly engaging Russia is happening. If you understand those constraints, then the best-case scenario is to use sanctions as a continuation of war by other means and try to nuke Russia’s economy.

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What is that today, like $14

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Realism may have a descriptive use for explaining how states act, but I decline to see it as having a prescriptive use for how a state ought to act.

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relativism is a hell of a thing



I recommend reading the Gulag Archipelago. Best insight into the mental state of being in a dictatorship I’ve ever read.

The audible version is read by Solzhenitsyn’s son who does an amazing job conveying the emotions in the book.

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maga is pissed cause duck duck go is filtering out their bullshit now due to the war

they can’t use a search engine now, sad

for not sending in troops, this has been a strong response

Thought the MAGA guys were using Bing these days?

The fell for russia’s shit libertarians still were. I guess ther’es a difference but I don’t care to differentiate.

Biden vetoing the Migs was the WSJ from sources.

Stupid me, all this time I thought Tom was trying to eat Jerry. Turns out Tom just wanted to de-Nazify the little guy.